Monday, 27 February 2012


Death, be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so;
For those whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow,
Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me.
From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be,
Much pleasure; then from thee much more must flow,
And soonest our best men with thee do go,
Rest of their bones, and soul's delivery.
Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,
And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell;
And poppy or charms can make us sleep as well
And better than thy stroke; why swell'st thou then?
One short sleep past, we wake eternally,
And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.

John Donne

This is one of my favourite poems :)
Have a beautiful day!

Bisous tous les jours!
Queen Ipel of the *UNIVERSE*/ GlassTableGirl x

P.S. 'Life aint always beautiful, but it is a beautiful ride.' - via Lindihna Gieskes - L' oeil de Lindinha

Thursday, 9 February 2012

19th Bang!

I cooked something for my daddy! My real daddy!

Barbeque riblets con (with) papa fritas, butternut et (and) Asian (I HEART Asia) inspired vegetable stirfry.

 I hope it goes down, Charlie Brown!

Bonne nuit mes amis,

Queen Ipel of the *UNIVERSE/ GlassTableGirl x
Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren Final Edition

WOW... I have been in love with the McLaren SLR since the vision SLR concept was unveiled by Mercedes in 1999. Its first model was relased in 2003 and arrived in this country in early 2004 after it had undergone subtle aerodynamic modifications to improve 150-plus-mph stability.  The car was styled by two Germans: Steffen Köhl and Gorden Wagener, the SLR was engineered under Gordon Murray: the South African engineer responsible for co-developer McLaren's landmark F1 supercar. You know, back then, mechanics claimed that at top speed, the car can travel from Johannesburg (South Africa) to Cape Town (SAME COUNTRY) in four hours. What a timesaver, shedding off 10 hours of your trip :). I wonder how fast the 2012 model can travel to and fro. 'Obviously' this test cannot be tried due to the many linear and traffic restrictions on our roads. I say we go for it :)

Here are some images of the previous models. Hit the link  at the end to view the latest creation. In my eyes, it is Mercedes that beats the Bendz :)












Hijacked from - Billionaire Boys Club blog on

Click on the above link to view the model

Buckle Up!
Queen Ipel of the *Universe*/Glass Table Girl x

Wednesday, 8 February 2012


Keep Eating!
Queen Ipel of the *UNIVERSE*/ GlassTableGirl x
This morning has been beyond refreshing for me. My body clock, (which I ALWAYS ignore), woke me up at 07h30. Now, for a student/chef/occupant of this universe, I find it extremely daunting to even try to respond to this clock on a daily basis. I always have that touch and go moment whereby I need to quickly decide between: starting my pro-activity or falling back into the deepest slumber and revert to my 'other' world of floatatious solitude.
It was a strange (in a good way) feeling, that my mind finally responded to my body. This 'early-bird' form of myself is something that I have yet to a custom myself to. It is an alternative form of happiness, that until now, I have not yet experienced. I was actually excited about being awake, naturally, at an earlier hour than I am used to. Trust me, I sometimes have those 13h00 rise and shine days... WHICH ARE THE BEEEEST! Waking up in time for lunch is the most amazing luxury I pride myself with. Don's hate!
It is so weird how strong the connectivity is between us people. We are very much unaware of the amount of force we can produce, using only our positive energies to duplicate even more positivity which we then have the power to project. Ha, funny story is that I went to the eye doctor yesterday and he told me that my 'lack of seeing' is due to my 'lack of a positive perception on my life, right now'. Hmmmm, okay Dokotela (Doctor)... I was too confused when he told me this. It was alright though, his good looks and playing of great classical tunes in the background of his consultations, saved his opinion. AMBIENCE IS KEY. Anyway, I always thought of myself as a very positive person, but I shall encourage even more positivity into my soul and see if his approach heals my self-diagnosed, slightly impaired vision.
I feel elated right now... There are so many thoughts I wish to share with you in this piece. I will have to preserve some of my energy for a later day; Though I must say, I met a man last week who reinstilled my love for meditative processing. He took me through an exercise, where we fully engage with each other, whilst our eyes are closed. We would take a few long breaths every now and then and release them with a humming sound. This was all done with our feet planted, shoulder-width apart and our backs upright in our chairs. At first I found it awkward because I could not concentrate on the fact that my vision was non-existent,. This automatically allowed for me to better tune into my other senses. It was extremely calming and even more so enlightening as I took my mind to a place that was completely a new. A different sense of focussed thought.
I tried this same exercise this morning, whilst going through my morning routine of brushing my teeth: Mouthwash, Brush, Rinse, FLOSS and Rinse. I did all of this with my eyes closed, imagining how my life would be if I were a blind person and giving thanks to all of the higher beings for the valuable gift of sight. I must admit, that it was one of the more fun mornings of my life thus far. I danced to all of my favourite tunes, enjoyed turning some of the stored energy I had genereated during my night's rest, into new energy, new thought, new ideas.
It was when my dance came to a close and my blindess turned to sightedness, that:  I opened up to find my body, divided into two by the mirrors on the wall, which are seperated by a slither of wall tiling. It was then that I realised that I have found my centre for the day :) Could a sign of central solitude be any more obvious than finding yourself in this position? I think not. It is this that inspired me to then reposition my bed and rearrange my entire bedroom. This is usually more theraputic than this morning's activity which lead to my having a broken bed. Not to worry though, I am a-okay with my low based matress; that lies perfectly on top of the base boards, on my floor. I actually prefer it this way.

It is a humbling view to sleep below the masses. I now have the constant ability to look up every morning that I wake up, as opposed to downwards or to the side. There is always a light that shines down on me, to remind me that I have yet to reach the end of the tunnel. It is without light, that we sometimes lose our vision right?

Bom Dia,
Queen Ipel of the *UNIVERSE/ GlassTableGirl x

P.S. 'And the weather so breezy/man why can't life always be this easy'-KANYE WEST: Flashing Lights.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Think Different

Queen Ipel of the *UNIVERSE*/GlassTableGirl x