Are you hurting?
What happens to the human soul when one discovers that all that one has come to know in the 'game' of love, is not as quite one had imagined in one's mind. We are in constant search of our counterparts, soul mates, our one true love. Is it possible though, to love someone who does not even know of this love. What is the solution to our difficulties in settling down. I think that the main pain point of love is that a lot of us are more willing to settle FOR someone as opposed to settling down WITH someone. We are stuck in a continuous battlefield of making the right choice and I'm sure it does not help that society has placed a negative tone on the lifestyle choices of single 30 + members of its community.
Correct me if I am wrong, but were we not taught that there is one true love out there for everybody? Have you ever experienced the potential of love and realised that it is not enough for you? I have. When I reflect on this time though, I realise that it is my pride and slight sense of greed that blinded me from the love that was presented to me on a platinum platter. This is how love should always be given or received, in royal abundance. I find that we are overwhelmed by the many restrictions that people place on the idea of loving and being in love. Why should we only love one person? Why can we not love everyone? There comes here, the question of whether or not being in a physical relationship with everyone you love, classifies you as a whore or not.
I say that we should hold out on putting out for now. Some of us spend most of our energy on building sexual relationships and focusing less on the outcomes of these relationships. I am not one to preach, but there are many consequences in this regard, some of them negative and others completely detrimental to our beings. I believe that a love that is let go of or that which is lost will forever remain indented in our souls. There is always that touch-and-go moment in a relationship whereby you think about this being forever. It is in this moment that we come to realise whether or not that potential is worth fulfilling. The decision itself is not easy at all, but the lesson learnt from the experience encountered will always be well worth it.
In essence, we all create many fantasies about people we 'love'. Those near, far, known and unknown. We allow ourselves to become caught up in the fiasco that is conducted by the many voices in our heads (YES, WE ALL HAVE MANY VOICES IN OUR HEADS). Take time to listen to those voices intently, for at least one minute every day. This is one of the beauties of soul-searching. Listening to your inner core. Your thoughts dictate your abilities. Your ideas WILL manifest if you allow yourself to take the risk of listening to what your spirit tells you. If you cannot control yourself, who will be willing to control you? We all have a task here, to live. To be alive in our connectivity. To ignite each other and to propel our neighbours with our positive ambitions. To inspire.
We need to understand ourselves better, otherwise we too will be removed from the 'normality' of being alive. We are complacent in nature and this often allows for us to define the contours of our lives from a selfish point of view. There is nothing wrong with selfishness, but sometimes, it is completely necessary to open our eyes and explore our visions. Explore the diversity of human interaction and grasp the truest, most comprehensive sense of self.
I believe that we can all make it through the storms, we just need to correct our bodies, minds and souls. We need to become one with ourselves before we can become one with one another. That is when true love is everlasting. It is when we have found our inner-most voices and it is when we allow for ourselves to become indefinitely vulnerable to the Universe, that the love presented to us daily, permeates our system. Love yourself, first, wholly. It is one thing to let go of a loved one. It is when you lose yourself that the love within you evaporates and that your soul becomes invisible to the souls of others.
Bisous Tous Les Jours
Khaleesi Ipel of the *UNIVERSE*/GlassTableGirl x
P.S. 'Don't rush, take time to know him!' - Mrs Sophia Morule (One of my mothers)