Monday, 16 December 2013

Song Of The Day!

Ms. Badu! What a gem!
'... because I eat a lot of vegetables ;)'

Khaleesi x

Before you begin, pre-heat your oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius. 

Pizza-bread, is one of my favourite snacks in the whole wide world.
It is the equivalent of a toasted sandwich, but what makes it unique, is the pizza-like qualities to which it attaches itself.

The procedure for making this meal is very simple. Grab two slices of wholewheat, rye, health or any other choice of bread. Drizzle your bread with some olive oil and line it with a slither of butter. 

The sauce: You can use a simple tomato gravy for the base of your sandwich (this is a great way to recycle your leftovers), otherwise, any tomato and onion (optional) based sauce shall suffice. 

The best part of this preparation, is definitely within the cheese. Grate two handfuls of mozzarella cheese, spread it over the sauce, on your bread and sprinkle with some rosemary. 

Bake the bread in the oven for approximately 12 minutes, allowing for the last 5 minutes to be spared, purely for grilling until golden brown.

I decided to make some homemade guacamole to accompany my meal because a. Guac is the one and b. I needed to use the second half of an avocado that had been stored in the fridge, before it went off.

In a side bowl, I mixed together: avocado, half a teaspoon of Hellman's mayonnaise, 5ml (1 teaspoon) of pepper-dew juice and half a teaspoon of olive oil. I then seasoned the guac with some salt, pepper and a hint of chilli. You may add in a squeexe or two of lemon juice, just because it is Dezemba :)

Bon appetit,
Khaleesi x

P.S. Happy day of reconciliation. Do not fear, for reconciliation is within you. It is not up to us to reconcile with others. It is up to others to reconcile with themselves; for if we do not reconcile with self, there can be no such exchanged-reconciliation with others. - Ipeleng Motuba.

Friday, 13 December 2013


Big props are to be given to my brother, Seabelo Morule, for this awesome mix... Merci Beaucoup.

Woah mama! If you are keen on indulging in some sweet tunes, follow the link below and enjoy :) 
Happy Holidays Indeed!

Best Love,
Khaleesi x

P.S. The yoga video that I posted earlier on today is very challenging. Be open to that challenge and always fight against failure.

I love Dr. Melissa!

I have mentioned this before, the practice of Yoga in the comfort of your home, is really top notch!

Happy Friday the 13th and a Safe Journey to you All!

Khaleesi x

P.S. 'Everything I am and all that I hope to become, I owe to my angel mother' - Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, 12 December 2013




Live from Hawaii!

Khaleesi x
Bang of the Day!

Homemade Roti... Fresh to the max :)

If you ever have some left over bread dough it is advisable that you cook or bake the bread. You can then allow for it to cool and freeze it for future use.

That is my tip of the day to you all.

Have a blessed evening.

Khaleesi x

P.S. December is the best month of the year, no matter where in the world you are! Shout-out to my fellow December babies :) 

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

L'amour S'emporte - Love Prevails!

Pour elle, parce qu'elle aime les poissons - For her, because she loves fish.

Grilled salmon served with roast potatoes, brown rice a mushroom sauce and an onion, spinach and tomato side of vegetables.

J'aime de manger. J'aime de vivre - I love to eat. I love to live.

Khaleesi x

P.S. Everyone should take the time to prepare a home-cooked meal; whether it be for your loved ones, or any others!

Monday, 9 December 2013

The Wilhelm Scream

Love jam. Rainy weather. Making love. One with your soul.

Believe in Thee. Believe in Me. Believe in an Everlasting Us. 

Best Love,
Khaleesi x

P.S. Life is so romantic, if you believe in romance, that is. 

'Last Night I ate the most delish salad ever'. 

Yesterday was one of the greatest days of my life. I felt very much more aware of my habits and general experiences, than I have in a while. I am so grateful for becoming more and more in tune with my core; as I wake up each day. I am one of the biggest advocates of sleep. The first reason being that it keeps you looking young. The second reason being there is no such fun, than to be one with your dreamworld, sans (without) disturbance. One of the greatest aspects of sleeping, is being able to shut out the influence of any exterior beings and/or objects. I mentioned to my sister the other day, how strange it is that I awake at the crack of dawn, nowadays. She too is thoroughly surprised at this fact, because I have been a sleeper since 1989. It was during the mid 90's that I found myself in need of afternoon naps, way beyond my time of nursery school. It was then that I decided that I am a nooner and forever shall be. Some people are able to exist without the need of an afternoon nap, not I. I get excited when I meet fellow nooners, because they understand our need for those few hours in the day, that are dedicated to nap-time. 

 My other sister, makes a claim that I sleep way too much and that it is not normal. I simply let her know that I do not sleep too much. It just appears that way because I am awake during the hours that the others believe to be 'sleeping hours'; thus causing my being asleep during 'operational hours'. 

So I woke up from my afternoon nap of three hours and decided to go for a run. I am proud of myself for doing so, for I overcame a challenge; which I had set out for myself and that is something that is not always easy to do. I find that we generally perform better when we are being tested by others, yet we let ourselves get away with murder when the time comes to test ourselves. This needs to change, completely. To choose to go running as opposed to sleeping on a late Sunday afternoon takes a lot of will. I respect road runners with all my heart, because for them, this is the norm. 

 In keeping with my 'team summer body'/'health is wealth' theme of the year, I have decided to give myself a 21-day-running/yoga challenge. Each day, I will indulge in exploring my yogi energy as well as my athletic ability. It will be twenty days until I enter my personal new year of life and I would like to do so at my optimum form of awareness, spiritual connection, fitness and all-round sense of being... In love. I would like to encourage you to join me in setting a challenge for yourself whether it be to: Stop eating KFC or to disallow your children from eating McDonald's even through the tantrums. To stop smoking cigarettes. To stop having sex. To stop blaming yourself. To be happy. 

What makes me happy, is ingesting good food. You may have noticed a picture above this piece, containing a tuna salad, garnished with nectarine slices, avocado and drizzled with honey. This is a salad I made last night and it is fit enough for two, once flattened out. In a small bowl, I mixed tuna, torn lettuce, red cabbage, chopped shrooms (mushrooms) finely diced red onion, julienne carrots and some freshly sliced cucumber; with some Hellman's mayonnaise, salt, pepper and parsley to taste, olive oil and a sprinkle of one of my favourite ingredients, jeera :) I tossed the salad, made it into a ball, using my hands and voila, 

Be in love with your spirit. Be aligned with your soul.

Bon Lundi!
Khaleesi x

P.S. Il n'est pas facile, mais il en vaut la peine - It is not easy, but it is worth it.

Friday, 6 December 2013



A love letter to a Forefather of the Universe:

Let the tears fall free,
for freedom is who you are.
Do not let death make you fear,
for fear is unbecoming.

Love to the extent of your soul,
let it penetrate beyond your realms.
Be strong in your conviction,
for you are the only one.

Feel the beat of the earth's flow as you rise to ultimate height
Feel the spirit of a nation that has been silenced by your freight

Amazing grace, your grace is one so true.
Amazing grace, I am so thankful to have known you.

To indulge in your glory, many-a-time I have dreamed.
To experience the pleasure, pure luck, I do believe.
A blessing, undisguised. Enlightenment through thine eyes.

Fly high in your beauty. Always remember you are loved. 
Be happy that you are Godly, please protect us from above.

Heaven has awaited thee, for centuries and a day. 
Elated that you are free at last. At peace, that you are sane. 

The Universe has a holy ancestor, a path he walks so clear.
The greatest treasure, one can bare .

You made me feel safe. You made me feel bright.
You are a pillar of strength and forever a shining light!

I love you forever. 
You live in my soul. 
'til I too leave this world...
When the darkness turns back to gold.

Robala ka kgotso, Ntate Rolihlahla Madiba. Rre go leboga tota. O re file mmatla a badimo. 
O re ratile, o lerato!

July 18th 1918 - December 5th 2013 (Long Live the King).

Khaleesi Ipeleng x

P.S. "If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."Nelson Mandela 

Thursday, 5 December 2013


This year, I decided that I DO like Moby... A lot.

'It's been three years since I am knocking on your door and I still can knock some more'
- Bob Nesta Marley
Khaleesi x
P.S. Tis the season to get reading!

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

 1. If you love your bacon
2. If you are in Cape Town, South Africa
3. If you are strolling up Kloof street
PLEASE do not hesitate to indulge in one of the best breakfast croissants ever.
Manna restaurant is situated atop Kloof Street (The extension of Long Street), Cape Town.
I went to this restaurant with a few close friends and family in December last year and OH BOY WAS IT THE ONE!
As some may know, I am a pescatarian (I only eat fish... I still do not know why this is a classification, but you know how people are.) and this is the meal that one of my friends had:
A lightly toasted croissant, filled with Camembert, a poached egg, a rasher of bacon and fresh herbs. The meal is finished off with a home-made basil pesto, that is out of this world.
4. If you are a vegetarian, Muslim, Jewish or 'Other', ask for the meal without bacon :)
Bon Appetit :)
Khaleesi of the *Universe*

P.S. R.I.P Paul Walker... What a handsome legend you are!

Many people often misunderstand my dislike for the city and my reason for this is always that: There is no beach in the city. Water is one of the most essential sources of power, for my soul. It has this calming effect that reignites all my feelings of hope, ecstasy and peace. Even though I was born in the heart of the city, I have always felt as if my home, my heart and my life lies alongside the coastlines of the world. There are so many parallels that can be drawn between the city and the coast, but one that is prominent to me, is the difference in the pace and nature of the lifestyles lead by the inhabitants of the seaside and those inland.
Like me, a lot of members of the world flourish better when placed in environments that do not feel rushed. This is my one of my favourite qualities of the coast. Time is controlled by the man who possesses it and everyone there understands this. I believe that it is so important to go through life at our own pace. Nobody can dictate our rate of progression because as one progresses in love, another progresses in overcoming heartache. As one progresses in profession, another progresses in raising children. Progression is an individual quality that has been distorted into a figure of time; allowing for people to feel as if they need to accomplish certain goals by a certain point in their lives. Yes, it is ideal to progress at the same rate as others, but what happens when you allow YOUR time to be determined by others... It becomes THEIRS. To live according to our individual principles is of the utmost importance. It is when we start to live for others and the effect that we have on them, that we start to lose ourselves in a sense of conditioned, mundane routine. People are susceptible to acceptance, but we fail to recognise that self-acceptance is the only kind that really matters.
A dear friend of mine, recently resigned from a job that she hated, even though the extra income would add material value to her life. I told her that she is brave, because not many people are strong enough to walk away from money. It takes a strong sense of understanding, of self and self-worth to do such and I commend her highly for her inspiration herewith.
It may be surprising that one would choose to build a life by the coast: where the pay checks are inscribed with fewer zeros and the surf-line is deemed appropriate for business meetings. All I can say, from my point of view, is that I would rather choose to lead a life where the quality is higher and the monetary value is decreased; than one where I spend most of my hours stuck in traffic, just to ensure that I close the deal that will supplement my colleagues' Christmas bonuses at the close of each year (which will generally be spent over the two-three weeks of holiday-time that I have accumulated by filling up my petrol tank twice a week).
I know that most of my population would disagree with what I am saying, but...
Even when the rain pours, there is always sunshine, on the seaside of life.
Happy Day and Happy Life to You All!
Khaleesi x

Monday, 2 December 2013

'Joy is a nest of love, by which you can catch souls.'
- Mother Teresa.
Happy Meatless Monday!
Khaleesi x
P.S. When the world tells you that you're crazy, your heart tells you that you are strong! - KI