Monday, 18 August 2014


One of the reasons why I love travelling, is because of all the great food that I am allowed to explore across the world. It is so important to experience as much of different environment as possible and considering my line of work, I am always keen to try out new restaurants, local street food and other-such indulgences of different nations. Sometime, a week or so ago, I was privileged to meet a beautiful woman from Rotterdam, in the Netherlands, named Yootha

"It was love, at firrrrrst sight."

Thanks to a common friend, we were set up on what appears to be the only 'blind date' that I have ever enjoyed... Not that I have been on many, because 'only playas go on blind dates' ;)

With that said, I was so excited to meet this great spirit and she happened to introduce me to one of the best luncheon spots that I have ever been to:

'Bagel Bakery and Burgers', 
is a quaint restaurant, situated on the most popular, 'Witte De WithStraat'. This is the contemporary hub of the city; as the street is filled with a romantic atmosphere and happy individuals who are excited to be a part of life's process.

When last did you see a bagel dressed so well?

This is a home-made bagel with: hummus, roasted: baby marrows, aubergine, peppers and tomato; topped with fresh onion, herbs and a drizzle of: olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

What a dream meal!

Met vriendelijke groete,
Khaleesi Ipeleng x

P.S. Food is life... Life is Food!


"Don't you know you lost my love!"

Finnebassen is, a dirty, melancholic house music producer from Norway. An ambitious 25 year old artist, living the dream of creating his art. This song is super-chilled and contains enough energy to get your day started; without being overwhelming in its nature. It is titled: "You're not cool enough". Try to tune your ear into picking up the diversity of: sound, lyrics and the most incredible, mind-blowing bass.

Happy Monday to you all... Always remember that: PERSISTENCE BEATS RESISTANCE!

Khaleesi x

P.S. Open yourselves up to the fulfillment of your dreams :)

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

The World Is Not Enough.

This is a short story detailing the head-space of a nomadic gentleman. 

It was whenever he went out into the Universe, that his mind and soul would expand in a way that one may only recognise; by exploring the many extensions of true personal freedom. The encouragement of his surroundings aided profusely to his motivation to propel. At times, he would feel this experience to be slightly overwhelming. He soon understood that this was a calling for the consumption of some great food.

Out there, he was a gentle soul, with the magical ability to sense and differentiate between the different energies surrounding his every footstep. This, his true nature, was apparent to him at home... wherever he thought this to be... Somewhere in the Sun, he had always envisioned, but there was always something off-putting about the stagnancy of the lifestyle to which he had become accustomed to - 'back there'. The slow patter of his sneaker clicked to the rhythm of the bicycle's ring, believing himself to be acquainted with everything he felt drawn to, in the spirit of: love, inspiration and the survival of the soul's worth.

This must  be how everybody lives where the grass illuminates an alternative green of life, he thought. Whilst walking through the Four-Am bustle, the young man became attuned to the conscious nature of the crowd around him. Every interaction and its counterpart  of refraction was timely in sight and enlightening to the core.  The words of his colleague resonated with the desires of his soul. To act with conviction and to place love as an open priority that enforces one to take on one's ultimate nature; honing it, into its true state of being.

 Slowly, surely, he believes that we will get there. At a point in his life, he had recently lost interest in humanity or the lack thereof; so the route of exploring the World as a whole, became a prominent headline in his already matured life - insofar as, he wishes to exchange with a stupendous array of cultures across many nations that have yet to be touched. What may come is yet to be discovered, for what he knows now, he will know tomorrow and what he knows tomorrow is that he knew today.

Happy Hump-Day!

Best Love,
Khaleesi Ipeleng x
