Tuesday, 13 October 2015

The Years Between Love.

As women (I speak for myself and the ones with whom I have shared these thoughts) we are taught from a very young age that the way of a man is to behave in a manner that is unfaithful. We are also taught that the way of a woman is to accept that this is the way of a man. Our mothers went through many experiences where our fathers placed them in the positions to develop ways in which they should remain strong within their relationships - at most times, when all they really wanted to do, was run away. 

I am beginning to wonder why it is that we (women) are so willing to sacrifice as much as we do for the greater good of the love that we have for the next person. We are consistently encouraging each other to forgive the wrongdoings of our partners because, we love them. We are always reminding each other to be conscious of our sexual accumulation out of the fear of being judged. We are constantly wiping away each others tears with great despair and we somehow find the strength to remind each other that. YOU ARE A WOMAN AND THIS IS WHAT WOMEN OUGHT TO DO.

Psychologists might argue from a biological perspective; in allowing for us to believe that women are by nature, more easily inclined to understand and react more lovingly to situations of infidelity. They might argue that for years, we are conditioned to believe that once we have found a 'good man', we should hold onto him, no matter what and that we always strive to look for the bliss within the bigger picture - in moments when we have experienced the same kind of hurt that makes us too, want to run away. We are also conditioned to believe that there are very few 'good men' out there, thus, our inability to let go of those who affect us negatively out of the fear that we may not find as great a sense of security in the man that we are so willing to let go of. We are conditioned to think through our wombs and the aspirations therewith. We are taught to behave in a manner that is lady-like for we should not place ourselves in a position where we could face the risk of not being chosen. We are taught that we are the ones who are handpicked and that once we are chosen, we should remain eternally grateful that we have been privileged enough to stand out amongst the others. Naturally, we have been conditioned to compete against each other. 

I sometimes wonder why we were never conditioned to compete against men, because I find that if we were, then there would be more balance within our societies as a whole and men would not feel as harshly affected by being beaten by a woman under any circumstance, but would rather accept the fact that we are sometimes, better than they are at performing ordinary tasks that were initially designed for 'the man'. I believe that if we were taught to compete against men, then they too would be of the greater understanding that it is not only women who are the ones who should be chosen. We could compete with them in order to break down the barriers that exist between us. We could create a heightened balance in the feeding game in allowing for them to know that they are not the only ones who have the power to choose. That they too are capable of leading a life of loneliness due to the ways in which they portray themselves. They too should know that their seed may no longer worthy of being implanted due to the fact that it has lost its value. That they too might be considered as 'undesirable' once their sexual aura has encapsulated a certain quota of vaginas. They too should be concerned with their sexual odours, organs and all-round performance and they too should know that we are more than capable of exploring as many of the others that we want to. They too should know the importance of having to stroke the ego of a woman that they wish to encourage. We too should begin to embrace the changes that we wish to see in this world. We too should let it be known.

It makes me happy to understand that more women are willingly standing up for themselves within their relationships with each other and those that they find themselves in at home. I thrive off the conversations that I have had with many women over the years about the ways in which they wish to achieve personal success. I am inspired daily by the ever-increasing number of female entrepreneurs.  This is still something that is traditionally 'abnormal', but with the way that I see the changes that I wish to impose on the world/my world, I feel positively assured by the ways that more women are becoming free within their expressions of self, sex, love and war. 

I would like for us to condition ourselves and the daughters of the future to become even stronger than our mothers were. More vicious in their stature. To believe in the love that they have for themselves. To choose and no longer be chosen. To embrace their sexual connections. To be liberated within their choices and  for us to end the hate that comes with being the one who is no longer afraid to be her ultimate Goddess. I would like for us to become emotionally detached from personal projections that we may place on the next woman and I want us to encourage each other to fight harder for the freedom that we have been given within this life and the next. For without us, the global population would cease to be carried into its existence and that is a power that no man or woman can ever strip us of. 

With best wishes and kindness from my heart,
Khaleesi Ipel of the Universe x

P.S. This is not a piece articulating any dislike for men; rather one that is aimed at uplifting women.