Man Eater and Promiscuous Girl
It is in my firm belief that everybody should identify a solid wingman in their lives. Having a wingman is one of the most essential elements of life and you can either choose somebody who is incredibly talented in this department or lose out on the Rock Star game. All my life, I have been surrounded by the most elite of wingmen or 'wingwomen' as some of you like to say... Personally I think there are some words in the English language that can be left in the masculine form.(Just a thought)
My wingmen have always been on top form. The general citeria, for my wingmen goes as follows:
1) Make sure you are both able to drink Tequila
2) Make sure that you come in one car, so that none of you is left behind (Unless otherwise agreed upon)
3) Always make sure that you have a set time, to leave the party-generally you will push this by an hour or four
4) If the girl or boy you are interested in, is actually attracted to your wingman.
DO NOT BE BLEAK. Let him/her take one for the team.
5) Make sure your wingman has excellent peripheral vision.
ALL OF THEM MEET THIS CRIETERIA: From Botshel, to Noma, to Chouch, to Masings, to Muse, to Mogwants and Thabangalang.
As long as all of these requirements are met, you are definitely sure to have a ball of a time, no matter if at a club or a dinner for four.
Maybe tequila can be skipped if you are at a dinner? MAYBE?
Anyway, one of my favourite wingmen is definitely my third sister, none other than the original 'Man-Eater', Rorisang Motuba (I call her Rogsie). Wow, if there is any woman who knows how to lay down the mack, it is definitely her. She is ALWAYS ON THE PROWL, which is the best, because... Well so am I
She refers to me as 'Promiscuous Girl'... Do not ask me why, because... Just by the way, these names probably stem from the face that we are both in love with Nelly Furtado
So before you jump to conclusions... You should think about it, take a second.
She is an up and coming actress who has this abillity to charm anyone. WATCH OUT!
Rogsie is one of my inspirational sources in the kitchen. She is an amazing chef in her own light and definitely shuts my food down. When I grow up, I want to cook like her. When we were younger, I remember her breakfast dishes being one of a kind and to this day, she has never failed to please my mouth.
I am so happy to be able to have such a strong force in my life. She keeps me in check, where possible (As all my sisters do). Even though she is so far away I carry her be my side all the days of my life. Wow this is getting emotional.
So when we were in high-school... Or some time back in our earlier years, Rogsie and I would always challenge each other (subconciously) in the kitchen. I rememeber one day she came home from varsity... Hmmmm, the details and time may be slightly sketchy... This might have been during our heavier drinking days... Things were a bit blurry then.
Anyway, she came home one day and said 'Ipel, do you want an egg special'. My response to her was 'What the frick is an egg special' Et voila... Jizzfest in my mouth! BOOMSHAKALAKA!
Ever since that day, we have eaten countless amounts of egg specials... 'Egg whites only please!' I keep thinking to myself how amazing it will be when we have both made it in our international careers. WOW, it is going be even more special because we are already at an all time high.
One day, when we are constantly 'BALLLIIIINNNN'... You'll hear nothing but the swish of the net, because we are indeed straight shooters. Well, baby boo, this one's for you and all my blessings for your success. I wish you (my readers) all the success that life has on offer. Let us do this and be INTERNATIONAL BABY!
Bisous Tous Les Jours
Queen Ipel of the Universe/GlassTableGirl x