J'aime de dors!
I have a top three list of activities that I am in love with. In no particular order, these are: Sleeping, Eating and R18 activities of all different kinds. Whenever people get to know me a little better, especially those who are aware of my personal habits, they come to realise my love affair with sleep. I have this ability, some think it is weird, to sleep for hours on end, without even a twitch of movement. In my mind, to be in a deep slumber is an out of body experience. This is possibly because when I am past the stage of R.E.M. (a normal stage of sleep characterized by the random movement of the eyes); when I am consciously unconscious, I am able to hear movements and sounds around me, but my body is not at all responsive to those who are still in the conscious world. (SO do not talk about me whilst I am sleeping in the room because I can actually hear you!) Some might say that this is unhealthy, but to me, sleeping is one of the most essential aspects of living. The saying 'sleeping is for the dead' is not a part of my idiomatic vocabulary. I think that people who live by this saying are unfortunate in the sense that they have not yet realised the depth of their subconsciousness. The state of conscious unconsciousness is an oxymoronic expression of being alive. It is a gift of purity in its simplest form.
I believe that the primary reason for this love affair lies in the fact that I love the idea of shifting into a state of mind whereby it is my ideals and/or my fears that dictate what is to come, not necessarily my actions. I seldom have nightmares though, it is a bit strange actually. I wonder whether it is because I make conscious decisions to stay happy most of the time or whether it be, that my subconscious is not suppressed by the unknown? Either way, I consider myself to be blessed. I actually think I'm borderline narcoleptic... Eek... Just kidding, but it might be one of those touch and go situations. The mind of a human being is so intriguing to me. The way in which people think, how they formulate their ideas, where the ideas come from and the way in which they bring these to life amazes me every time. I am especially captured by the functionality of day dreaming. As far as activities for the daytime go, day dreaming is amongst the best, next to playing in the sun and building sand castles on the beach (I've never done this, please can someone teach me how to do so one day).
My dreams are a reflection of my soul's desires. When I am in my subconscious state, my deepest thoughts and ambitions come into fruition in a way that may or may not manifest in the 'real' world. Either way, I am constantly at ease and unbelievably happy in this head space. My dreams allow for me to build an immaculate foundation of inner strength that will hopefully encourage me throughout my existence in this dimension. For me, sleeping is a form of detachment from the 'real' world and my oh my, is the land of dreams peacefully vibrant. It sometimes scares me how vividly I dream. I know that there is a very close connection between my conscious and subconscious. Is this such a bad thing, to have your different streams of consciousness, follow the same flow? I think not. I am so awake in my thoughts and one quality which serves great importance in my life, is MIND CONTROL. I believe that mind control is one of the most valuable learned abilities. I choose to continue this practise, because it is definitely something that I would like to acquire as I grow and become aware of new thoughts and ideas. I think that being aware of self and having a steady thought process is one of the many keys to unlocking the doors of eternal happiness. A very wise gentleman told me the other day that 'It is in your dreams that you start to realise your true strengths, most of which you were unaware of'. I can most definitely relate to this notion because I find that it is in my dreams that I think up my best work, whether it be an idea of professionalism or that of play time :) (PLAY TIME... IS THE BEST TIME). I want to explore every aspect of my mind and permeate it with all the nutritional and educational substance that the Universe has on offer.
I find myself constantly having the same dream, whereby I am walking down the streets of New York (I've never been). My imagination and the way in which I picture the scenery around me stems from ideas about the place, that are embedded in my mind; either from the stories of others or from previous visual stimulation. I keep on having this dream, which sneaks itself into my thoughts every other day. It is slightly awkward for me to have such an appeasing view of a place that I have never been to. I know that I will be moving there within the next couple of years, so I feel that the imagery and the experiences of the place, which appear at random in my mind, are all a form of preparation for the my next chapter. A dream is not something that stems from random occurrence. In my opinion, it is a reflection of one's desired reality. A snippet of information to prepare one for the many possibilities ahead. Every dream originates from an experience that one has had or will have and it depicts one's action or reaction to that experience.
I choose to learn from every single one of my dreams and I always try to take them with me into the conscious world. I choose to live through my dreams and vicariously through those of others. I know that I have alternative theories about the way in which I believe people should, rather could, live; so this is no exception. If we all dedicated a bit of time to the acquisition of complete mind control and we adhered to the thoughts that come to our realisation through a sequence of dreams, in 'real' life, wherever, then I really believe that we could create this tranquil sanctuary which we all yearn so much to live in. Imagine a world where everybody's dreams are fulfilled...
That is a message I would like to give all of you. LIVE OUT AND THROUGH YOUR DREAMS. BE FREE. BE HAPPY. CHOOSE SUBSTANCE IN YOUR LIFE. Use your head wisely and use your mind wholly. People do not realise the power the mind. The power of original thought processing. The power of the extensions of their existence. The time is now. The time is everlasting.
Bisous tous les jours
Queen Ipel of the *Universe*/ GlassTableGirl x
P.S. Be the last one to leave the party in your head!