Thursday, 31 May 2012


He is a truly talented gentleman who has been rocking my life for over a decade.

This song is one of my favourites, next to 'Again' and 'Fly Away'- which is the first song that I learnt to play on the guitar :)...
'Note to self: Buy a new guitar and start over'

Thank you for the music!
Khaleesi Ipel of the *UNIVERSE*/GlassTableGirl x

P.S. 'Where is the love? What is this world we live in? Where is the love? We gotta keep on giving. Where is the love? What happened to forgiving... Anyone?'
- Lenny Kravitz 'Stillness of Heart'

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Word of the day

'I have been doing so much back and forth talking about life, love, humanity, spirituality, relations and society.  I've just watched spirit molecule; which got me thinking so much more. I'm getting so curious about life and its fulfilment capacity. There is so much out there to learn and experience and I am feeling the need to do exactly that! Always! And without procrastination in my life; which sometimes makes me feel as if I am sleep-walking through life and not actively living it! I even wrote myself notes and I plan on being more proactive about experiencing valuable, life changing moments! I need to do this now! I can't keep threatening to live my life... I just gotta live it!
We fly together friend. I wouldn't be a good friend if I didn't share with you. This is the whole reason that we come into contact with other beings. To share, grow and unify!'

- Ms. Dionne Mankazana

Khaleesi Ipel of the *UNIVERSE*

P.S. She's a keeper, this one!
Fall On Your Knees MOFO

One woman who I would love to see perform is Mrs Swizzy! I have no words for the talent that is Alicia Keys. In my eyes, she is one of the few artists who has remained true to the art of making music as she has not allowed commercial ideas to influence her growth as a singer/songwriter. One song that she produced that always has me blown away is 'Impossible' by Christina Aguilera - another great singer.

This is my favourite Christmas carol ever. Well done to whomever wrote it. This song reminds me of my dear Afrikaans teacher, Meneer Steyn. Nobody (in my life) touches Pieter Steyn when it comes to singing. The only joy of having to perform in our school Christmas carol events, was hearing him close the show with this number. Not only is he a beautiful singer, but I need to thank this man for guiding me through my teens and always being there for me no matter what. Teachers sometimes lose sight of nurturing students and take the stance of trying to control the student's mindset. This is not the way forward if we wish to develop our children's beings. Humane Souls are hard to come by and he is truly one of the greatest that I have encountered. If there is one person who I would like to extend my happiness to, today, it is definitely Meneer.
Dankie vir alles wat jy vir my gedoen het... Met die grootse liewe!
(Thank you for everything that you have done for me... With the greatest love!)

This song reminds me of so many good times of my life, namely when I would not stop singing it to my God-sister-soul-mate Muptee and her amazing sister Karabo Morule, when we were on holiday in Langebaan a few years ago. If you have never been to Langebaan, please do yourself a favour and go there. It is situated in none other than, the WESTERN CAPE. There is a beautiful restaurant on the beach where, R200  buys you some freshly caught and prepared seafood.
It is like Christmas everyday at Strandloper.

Here are some snaps of the resto :)





Can you say DELISH! If God or someone of great power or influential control over my life said that I can only eat one thing for the rest of my life, it would definitely be seafood!


This man is the funniest entertainer I have ever seen/heard play at a restaurant



Bisous tous les jours!
Khaleesi Ipeleng x 

P.S. '... Touch me like this is the last time/ Promise that you'll love me/ Love me like you'll never see me again...'
- Like You'll Never See Me Again, Alicia Keys.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012


Do you ever feel that you are trapped in a head space, whereby you are at a slight stand still between one level of your life and another? I believe that this (head space) is one of slight anxiety between moving into the next stream of consciousness and the stagnancy of your 'limited' capabilities. I call them limited because I think that we are so used to the ideas that we visualise every day, that they have somewhat lost their essence; due to the fact that we allow ourselves to live in a state of confirmation that is dictated by the confirmation of others. We need to acknowledge the expansion of our minds and our ability to conduct the intricacies of such minds in a way that allows our visualisation to be the point of focus; as opposed to it being the influence of a generalised finding of any essence within the 'simplistic' aspects of life.

Take for example the routine of having to always prepare for the worst, (I dislike it when people say this to me, now that I truly think about it), as being something which is completely absent from our thought process. I believe that if we were to strive towards the excellence of intelligent living, then we would not necessarily express this lack of vitality to solidify our position in society and societies alike. Everyone wants to make it. Everybody wants to do better for the nature of their close surrounding and for those closely connected to them. I think we often doubt the power of mind control and that of the mind itself. We are bound by these conformities which i think in a way deter us from outward thinking. Not everyone fits this description, but I mention this within the realm of personal experience and human interaction which we encounter on a daily basis.

In the beginning, it was a fighting war against self to do better. Our predecessors were of the fighting spirit that, then, was determined by those who make it and those who do not. That is in my view, the ultimate sacrifice. The world is still a place which is to improve itself ten-fold. I am so happy to be a part of an experience, that allows me to determine and identify self first, but in an unselfish way. One saying which I love from the Bible, is 'Seek and ye shall find...Ask and ye shall receive'. This speaks such truth to me because I think that we all tend to carry a sense of pride, some more than others, that shuts us off slightly from portraying the most common of human qualities. We sometimes disregard the reciprocal nature of words and the actions that they describe. By divine law and in the law of our everyday lives, people have certain rights and duties towards each other and it is our responsibility to respect each other in this light.

A relationship is defined as the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected; which comes hard to exercise by the individual. The maintenance of that connectivity, which is often damaged by error or material mistake, is difficult to uphold. I find that a large number of people are looking out for self, in a selfish way. I know a lot of us believe in karma, but what is karma in its pure definition? I think that is up to the individual to determine. Sometimes when people speak about karma, it sounds like a commercial for an advert, selling you 'Hollywood scripts' worth of ways in which to conduct yourself like a boomerang. I don't know. I have not quite settled myself with the ideas and philosophies of karma. The people of Hindu and Buddhist descent describe karma as the sum of a person's actions, in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their destiny or fate, following as effect from cause.

I am aware of the many energies around me, as I carry my energy around the world. I want to be able to attract the most beautiful of energies to help me build a strength which is exponentially greater. Greater than you, greater than me. As I deduce the idea of karma, I begin to realise that I am  moving towards being in full alignment with its definition. I believe that there is something about the absorption of ideas and movements that allows for one to reach ones true form of becoming. It is interesting to see how people react to different circumstances and how souls alike somehow find each other. At the end of the day, that is what we live for right? To find the one who fits within the parameters of our evaluations.

I think that in order tho find that one, one needs to experience the idea of being the one. We are so concerned with the chase, that we often forget how important it is to be one with self. To have control of your existence is one of the many gifts that God, Allah, all of our Parents, the higher beings who contribute towards the sustenance of life, have handed to us. We should rather illuminate from within and chase the success of proud internalisation. These words, proud internalisation, engrave a sense of gratitude in my being. This, coupled with mind control are some of the most simply granted, yet difficulty maintained, human qualities. We often forget how it feels to be still and how to be at peace. Clarity of the soul is as important as any substitution of dietary cleansers and supplements. Why would you choose to supplement something, over which you have the power to naturally control?

There are so many questions to be answered in this regard and as I grow spiritually, mentally and emotionally I am happy with the fact that I have made myself aware of these queries, from listening and engaging gregariously with people who have come into my life. Some of them have been at random and have had the ability to inspire me from the stroke of interaction. At the end of the day we, as a people, are responsible for the outcome of our community. Ask yourself, before you draw parallel thought with the thought of others, how will I benefit from here? This is not in a competitive manner, rather a genuine one. That is the ultimate enrichment of success. The ability to reach a level of ingenuity that continuously surpasses your conditioned levels of experiencing alternative thought.

I would like you to reach out to the sunlight. Feel its heat and embrace the energy that it feeds to your soul. Seriously, next time you are in the sun, close your eyes, look up towards the sun and take the slowest and deepest breath you are able to in that moment. The sensation of the energy that infiltrates every focal point of your system is but amazing. You should learn to appreciate the idea of living.
In the end... It is only you.

Bisous tous les jours
Queen Ipel of the *Universe*/ GlassTable Girl x

P.S. 'Foresight is the epitome of thought' - Unknown.

Dare Me

I finally found the original version of this song. WOW! After a strenuous sift through 'Stupidisco' and a whole lot of other remixes, my friends at YouTube were kind enough to help me out!
The Pointer Sisters are the one for fun!
I've had this jam stuck in my head for the past two days, but I am not complaining at all!

Be Good Out There ('B.GOT'... STAY TUNED)!
Khaleesi Ipel of the *Universe*/GlassTableGirl x

P.S. '...Step across the line... Touch me one more time...'

Monday, 28 May 2012


Last week I mentioned that Jamie Oliver has started a campaign called 'Food Revolution Day'.
I really enjoyed this day and I appreciate all who were involved in this event: Rogsie, Tshols, Botshel... You girls rock my guitar!

For more info on the event go to
There is no better feeling than that of happiness. To be able to provide such is an even greater achievement. I am the gift that keeps on giving.

Gros Bisous!
Khaleesi Ipeleng/GlassTable Girl x

Liberian Girl

I think this could be my favourite Michael Jackson song... Tough choice, but it definitely falls within my top three, alongside another all time favourite of mine, 'Stranger in Moscow'.


Lire avec ton coeur (Listen with your heart)
Khaleesi Ipeleng/GlassTableGirl x

P.S. Talk about a sick cast!
As you were...
The Muse Partie Deux

This meal is dedicated to one of my favourite people in the world. Ms. Dionne Mankazana. There is nobody who I enjoy making food with more than this chick. I love playing with her in the kitchen and in life in general. Thanks for being one of my most enlightening influences my muse x


I started off with my bread. Remember I taught you how to make the rosemary bread by: Spreading some olive oil on the bread and sprinkling some rosemary across the face. Bake this in the oven for approximately 8 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.


Saute some bacon (shredded of fat), onions, mushrooms and tomato in some olive oil, water, fresh garlic and fresh ginger. Add some medium curry powder and some dried parsley. I took the liberty of adding some freshly squeezed lemon juice into my pan.


Add one and a half cups of fresh cream to your pan and allow for this to simmer for approximately 12 minutes. DO NOT LET THIS DRY OUT OR BURN!...

...As you can see... I almost did exactly that... Wheeeew!


Spread some mayo or any other bread spread of your choice onto each slice of toasted rosemary. I chose to add some chilli to my sandwich, but I know some people are just not that strong.
I also added some sliced mozzarella to my version because without cheese, we would be unhappy all round :)

Pour Elle et Lui Partie Deux - His and Hers Part Two

Bon Appetit!
Khaleesi Ipeleng of the *UNIVERSE*

P.S. 'Either lov' me or lemme alone... Either lov' me or lemme alone!' - Already Home, Jay-Z

Friday, 25 May 2012

'We'll take a holiday...
You know I'd love you better!'

WOW! What an amazing blast from the past!
I love authentic house music! Durban can wait a minute!
Happy Chillas!
Khaleesi Ipeleng of the *Universe*

So I tried out a pizza recipe that I borrowed from a friend. It turned out pretty well, for a first-timer and I believe that my sisters and friends enjoyed it too. We can only improve from here!

I made the pizza dough using some cake wheat flour, dry yeast, sugar, salt, water, avocado oil and a hint of black pepper (optional)

The tomato base was made using ginger, garlic, mixed herbs, origanum, peeled tomatoes and some brown sugar. A hint of chilli to taste. You may add some !RED RED WINE! to your sauce if you would like to?

This recipe is one that I think is best measured by the eye ;)

Merci pour la recipe Cheri!

Once your dough has been knead, allow it to sit in the fridge for a minimum of two hours and a maximum of one night. If you let the dough sit for too long it kills the process of fermentation and your dough will be irrevocably damaged.

 The gentlemen at Pick 'n Pay were kind enough to sell me some of their dry yeast :) What lifesavers they were because I could not find any, anywhere!

Some tomato paste for your base :)

I sauteed these in some olive oil, garlic, ginger and Italian herbs.


 I added some freshly torn spinach and crumbed feta to my pizza, because, that's how I roll!

Khaleesi Ipel of the *Universe*/GlassTableGirl x

P.S. This was in aid of Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution day and even though there are some processed parts of the meal (cheese), I think this is the healthiest way to feed our children pizza :)
Word of the day!

'When we make the conscious decision to actively choose how we respond to stimuli in our environment, what might once have hurt us is rendered powerless'

Happy Friday amigos :)
Khaleesi Ipel of the *UNIVERSE*/GlassTableGirl x

P.S. Tomorrow, we make lasagne... Woo-to-the-hoo!

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Tell Him

Lauryn Hill used to be the sh*t. I will always be a fan... Til death do us part.


Alors on danse!
Khaleesi Ipeleng of the *Universe*/GlassTableGirl x

P.S. O ska wara (Don't worry)!

I have been going through a transitional phase in my life. You know, it is only when we start to grow, in our growth, that we become eternally thorough in the discovery of self.

I was speaking to a gentleman yesterday who enlightened me about the Kundalini Energy concept. Basically, this is the connection of you third eye, which is situated in your brain. This is the subconscious eye that sees through the conscious world that we live in and allows for us to feel a sense of attraction towards the ultimate form of self. How though, I asked him, do we tap into this energy? We need to acquire complete mind control. Tap into your thoughts and feel your path. See the light that shines within and allow for it to be the leader of your soul's existence. I have been doing some spiritual research over the past couple of months and I have found that my favourite form of listening to myself is through the art of meditation.

At first, I found meditation to be a bit uncontrolled, but it was when I truly focused on the presence within me that I became overwhelmed by the symbiotic energies that fulfil my being. I too strive to create a more balanced, reciprocal relationship with these energies in order to preserve my core. The more I tap into my sense of living, the more I realise how happy I truly am. I have sole control of my direction and it is only me who can allow for my imagination to come to life.

I have taken the lead in controlling the aspects of my life that are in my hands and the rest... Hopefully that will fall into place. I have never been more certain of my end result, that I am today and the fact that I woke up from my sleep this morning is proof enough that there is so much more to push for in this life and the next. I will live eternally in grace, love and joy.

'... And I will stand for my dream if I can/Symbol of my faith in who I am...'

Khaleesi Ipeleng x

P.S. 'I have found a dream that must come true/Every ounce of me must see it through... Immortality, I'll make my journey through eternity/I'll keep a memory of you and me... Inside'
- Celine Dion 'Immortality'

Tuesday, 22 May 2012


'Jump for Joy'

Khaleesi Ipel of the *UNIVERSE*/GlassTableGirl x

Friday, 18 May 2012

 Love To Love You Baby (1975)

This song makes me want to make love, all the time!
Robala ka khotso (Rest In Peace). Ms. D Summer.

This post is dedicated to the three loveliest sister of all time:
'Girls 1 2 3' - Kay, Botshelo and Rori Motuba.
Love you long time chicas!

Bisous et Bien journee a tout!
Khaleesi Ipel of the *Universe*/GlassTableGirl  x (Girl 4)

P.S. Tomorrow marks @jamieoliver's Food Revolution day. Please join in the festivities of revolutionising the human way of consumption. Go to and look under Food Revolution Day May 19th. This is the first of many more to come! What an inspired soul!

Monday, 14 May 2012

Justify My Love

I remember this music video was considered to be inappropriate for television in the 90's so-much-so that it was banned from being aired on Mtv. Thank goodness VH1 came to the party.
I love this song and its soft melancholic tone. The artistry of the video is interesting and I think the concept was well executed in creating a song and video that are interchangeable in their expression.

Bisous tous les hours,
Khaleesi Ipel of the *UNIVERSE*/GlassTableGirl x
Un priere pour aujourd'hui

Gods of Power
Gods of Light
Gods of Beauty
Gods of Night
Please bless me in this endeavour which I am to embark
Please guide my way through the shadows of the dark.
A little too little, yet never too late
It is in your hands that lies my fate
I ask for this in your holy name
I shall detach from all those shames
Blessed are thee
Lovers are we

Khaleesi Ipel of the *UNIVERSE*/GlassTableGirl x

P.S. To be alive in love is to live in light.

Friday, 11 May 2012


I love this song. It is the one!
In My Mind is Pharrell Williams's first studio album and it rocks my dancing socks.

Happy Friday!
Khaleesi Ipel of the *UNIVERSE*/GlassTableGirl x

P.S. Stay up!

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Pumpkin and spring onion soup, served with some toasted health bread.

My friend Lori made us some pumpkin soup a couple of weeks back. This past weekend, I tried to make that same soup and even though it was not a hit in the kitchen, compared to her soup, I am happy that I was able to make something a little tastier than most would :)

I started off by boiling the pumpkin and chopped potato in some water until it was soft enough to mash. In a separate pan, I sauteed some finely sliced spring onion and red onion in: olive oil, garlic and a touch of water. I added cream to the sauteed ingredients and let it simmer for a few minutes, before adding it to my pumpkin pot.

For a finer, smoothly-textured soup, a blender works wonders. I used a mixer to do this and left some of the bits in the soup to add to its crunch factor.

Bon Appetit!
Khaleesi Ipel of the *UNIVERSE*/GlassTableGirl x

'If you do not pursue your purpose, you will be abused and used to fill the purpose of someone else'
- Map4Life by Glen McQuirk

Sunday, 6 May 2012

I'm Gonna Find Another You

Okay! John Mayer is a phenomenal musician and you cannot dispute that on any grounds. His super-chilled, stage persona, draws one in and you cannot help but tune into his zone. This is art. A musician who draws you in through their talent and their presence. I especially love this performance, because not only does the star get to shine, but there is also a platform, in the artist's work that allows for all the other guitar heroes to shine on stage too. This is consideration!
J'aime cette chanson (I love this song)

I hope you enjoy my Sunday's Soul, Space-Jam!

Gros Bisous!
Khaleesi Ipel of the *UNIVERSE*/GlassTableGirl x

P.S. 'Listen to the voice inside your mind, let it speak'

For Your Eyes Only

This morning, I made 'Breakfast in Bed' :)
This light breakfast snack is an ideal meal for any time of the day!

I started off with the following ingredients:

2 x eggs
Dried Parsley
Olive Oil
1 x clove of garlic
1 x tomato
1/2 a red onion
2 x tablespoons of balsamic vinegar
Some h'uile d'olive (Olive Oil)
2 x slices of Albany Wholewheat bread
2 x pinches of sugar

Step 1: Rosemary Bread

Start off by drizzling some olive oil onto your bread and sprinkle with some Rosemary.
Spread this evenly across both slices of bread and place in the oven to bake at 180 degrees Celsius.

Step 2: The Egg

Drizzle some olive oil into your heated frying pan.
Crack and separate each egg into your pan and allow to sizzle for 55 seconds.
Before flipping your egg, season each one with some dried Parsley.

Your bread should be ready by this point (Don't forget to keep an eye on it)

Step 3: The Sauce

Finely chop your garlic. Julienne your red onion. Slice your tomato.
Sautee these ingredients at a medium-high heat in some olive oil.
Season with some Cayenne Pepper and 2 pinches of sugar. Sprinkle with some Origanum.
SMASH your tomato once it is moist and soft. Mix together thoroughly until you have a light-mash of your ingredients. Drizzle in 2 tablespoons of Balsamic vinegar and allow for it to cook until it has evaporated slightly. Do not let this dry out. That is a fail.


Step 4: The Closing

Spread across your bread, some mayonnaise and atchaar.
Place one egg white on each slice of bread.
Dish out some of your tomato-onion filling onto each slice et VOILA!


Pour Elle et Lui - His and Hers

Bon Appetit!
Khaleesi Ipel of the *UNIVERSE*/GlassTableGirl x

P.S. Happy Sunday Funday!

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Secret Garden

You know how YouTube always has these 'silly' advertisements that one may skip after 5 seconds?
Well, I was YouTubing a certain Space Jam, when I came across this advert. My automatic response was to scroll to and click on the 'skip ad' tab, but I was genuinely captivated by everything that I saw.

Mi guesta muchos! (I like it a lot!)
This ad, trumped the initial jam that I was going to post. BIG TIME!
I was mostly drawn in by the song and then I looked up and saw, only beauty.
Versailles, Girls, Fashion and most importantly, the Manacured Scenery.
If anyone could tell me name of the song in this advert, as well as, that of the artist, I will make you a sandwich :)

Direction by: Inez & Vinoodh

Gros bisous!
Khaleesi Ipel of the *UNIVERSE*/GlassTableGirl x

P.S. One day, we too, shall run about La Chateau de Versailles. (The Palace of Versailles)

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Digital Love


Bisous toujours,
Khaleesi Ipel of the *UNIVERSE*/GlassTableGirl x

P.S. Come inside my world and let's play: