Monday, 16 December 2013

Song Of The Day!

Ms. Badu! What a gem!
'... because I eat a lot of vegetables ;)'

Khaleesi x

Before you begin, pre-heat your oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius. 

Pizza-bread, is one of my favourite snacks in the whole wide world.
It is the equivalent of a toasted sandwich, but what makes it unique, is the pizza-like qualities to which it attaches itself.

The procedure for making this meal is very simple. Grab two slices of wholewheat, rye, health or any other choice of bread. Drizzle your bread with some olive oil and line it with a slither of butter. 

The sauce: You can use a simple tomato gravy for the base of your sandwich (this is a great way to recycle your leftovers), otherwise, any tomato and onion (optional) based sauce shall suffice. 

The best part of this preparation, is definitely within the cheese. Grate two handfuls of mozzarella cheese, spread it over the sauce, on your bread and sprinkle with some rosemary. 

Bake the bread in the oven for approximately 12 minutes, allowing for the last 5 minutes to be spared, purely for grilling until golden brown.

I decided to make some homemade guacamole to accompany my meal because a. Guac is the one and b. I needed to use the second half of an avocado that had been stored in the fridge, before it went off.

In a side bowl, I mixed together: avocado, half a teaspoon of Hellman's mayonnaise, 5ml (1 teaspoon) of pepper-dew juice and half a teaspoon of olive oil. I then seasoned the guac with some salt, pepper and a hint of chilli. You may add in a squeexe or two of lemon juice, just because it is Dezemba :)

Bon appetit,
Khaleesi x

P.S. Happy day of reconciliation. Do not fear, for reconciliation is within you. It is not up to us to reconcile with others. It is up to others to reconcile with themselves; for if we do not reconcile with self, there can be no such exchanged-reconciliation with others. - Ipeleng Motuba.

Friday, 13 December 2013


Big props are to be given to my brother, Seabelo Morule, for this awesome mix... Merci Beaucoup.

Woah mama! If you are keen on indulging in some sweet tunes, follow the link below and enjoy :) 
Happy Holidays Indeed!

Best Love,
Khaleesi x

P.S. The yoga video that I posted earlier on today is very challenging. Be open to that challenge and always fight against failure.

I love Dr. Melissa!

I have mentioned this before, the practice of Yoga in the comfort of your home, is really top notch!

Happy Friday the 13th and a Safe Journey to you All!

Khaleesi x

P.S. 'Everything I am and all that I hope to become, I owe to my angel mother' - Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, 12 December 2013




Live from Hawaii!

Khaleesi x
Bang of the Day!

Homemade Roti... Fresh to the max :)

If you ever have some left over bread dough it is advisable that you cook or bake the bread. You can then allow for it to cool and freeze it for future use.

That is my tip of the day to you all.

Have a blessed evening.

Khaleesi x

P.S. December is the best month of the year, no matter where in the world you are! Shout-out to my fellow December babies :) 

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

L'amour S'emporte - Love Prevails!

Pour elle, parce qu'elle aime les poissons - For her, because she loves fish.

Grilled salmon served with roast potatoes, brown rice a mushroom sauce and an onion, spinach and tomato side of vegetables.

J'aime de manger. J'aime de vivre - I love to eat. I love to live.

Khaleesi x

P.S. Everyone should take the time to prepare a home-cooked meal; whether it be for your loved ones, or any others!

Monday, 9 December 2013

The Wilhelm Scream

Love jam. Rainy weather. Making love. One with your soul.

Believe in Thee. Believe in Me. Believe in an Everlasting Us. 

Best Love,
Khaleesi x

P.S. Life is so romantic, if you believe in romance, that is. 

'Last Night I ate the most delish salad ever'. 

Yesterday was one of the greatest days of my life. I felt very much more aware of my habits and general experiences, than I have in a while. I am so grateful for becoming more and more in tune with my core; as I wake up each day. I am one of the biggest advocates of sleep. The first reason being that it keeps you looking young. The second reason being there is no such fun, than to be one with your dreamworld, sans (without) disturbance. One of the greatest aspects of sleeping, is being able to shut out the influence of any exterior beings and/or objects. I mentioned to my sister the other day, how strange it is that I awake at the crack of dawn, nowadays. She too is thoroughly surprised at this fact, because I have been a sleeper since 1989. It was during the mid 90's that I found myself in need of afternoon naps, way beyond my time of nursery school. It was then that I decided that I am a nooner and forever shall be. Some people are able to exist without the need of an afternoon nap, not I. I get excited when I meet fellow nooners, because they understand our need for those few hours in the day, that are dedicated to nap-time. 

 My other sister, makes a claim that I sleep way too much and that it is not normal. I simply let her know that I do not sleep too much. It just appears that way because I am awake during the hours that the others believe to be 'sleeping hours'; thus causing my being asleep during 'operational hours'. 

So I woke up from my afternoon nap of three hours and decided to go for a run. I am proud of myself for doing so, for I overcame a challenge; which I had set out for myself and that is something that is not always easy to do. I find that we generally perform better when we are being tested by others, yet we let ourselves get away with murder when the time comes to test ourselves. This needs to change, completely. To choose to go running as opposed to sleeping on a late Sunday afternoon takes a lot of will. I respect road runners with all my heart, because for them, this is the norm. 

 In keeping with my 'team summer body'/'health is wealth' theme of the year, I have decided to give myself a 21-day-running/yoga challenge. Each day, I will indulge in exploring my yogi energy as well as my athletic ability. It will be twenty days until I enter my personal new year of life and I would like to do so at my optimum form of awareness, spiritual connection, fitness and all-round sense of being... In love. I would like to encourage you to join me in setting a challenge for yourself whether it be to: Stop eating KFC or to disallow your children from eating McDonald's even through the tantrums. To stop smoking cigarettes. To stop having sex. To stop blaming yourself. To be happy. 

What makes me happy, is ingesting good food. You may have noticed a picture above this piece, containing a tuna salad, garnished with nectarine slices, avocado and drizzled with honey. This is a salad I made last night and it is fit enough for two, once flattened out. In a small bowl, I mixed tuna, torn lettuce, red cabbage, chopped shrooms (mushrooms) finely diced red onion, julienne carrots and some freshly sliced cucumber; with some Hellman's mayonnaise, salt, pepper and parsley to taste, olive oil and a sprinkle of one of my favourite ingredients, jeera :) I tossed the salad, made it into a ball, using my hands and voila, 

Be in love with your spirit. Be aligned with your soul.

Bon Lundi!
Khaleesi x

P.S. Il n'est pas facile, mais il en vaut la peine - It is not easy, but it is worth it.

Friday, 6 December 2013



A love letter to a Forefather of the Universe:

Let the tears fall free,
for freedom is who you are.
Do not let death make you fear,
for fear is unbecoming.

Love to the extent of your soul,
let it penetrate beyond your realms.
Be strong in your conviction,
for you are the only one.

Feel the beat of the earth's flow as you rise to ultimate height
Feel the spirit of a nation that has been silenced by your freight

Amazing grace, your grace is one so true.
Amazing grace, I am so thankful to have known you.

To indulge in your glory, many-a-time I have dreamed.
To experience the pleasure, pure luck, I do believe.
A blessing, undisguised. Enlightenment through thine eyes.

Fly high in your beauty. Always remember you are loved. 
Be happy that you are Godly, please protect us from above.

Heaven has awaited thee, for centuries and a day. 
Elated that you are free at last. At peace, that you are sane. 

The Universe has a holy ancestor, a path he walks so clear.
The greatest treasure, one can bare .

You made me feel safe. You made me feel bright.
You are a pillar of strength and forever a shining light!

I love you forever. 
You live in my soul. 
'til I too leave this world...
When the darkness turns back to gold.

Robala ka kgotso, Ntate Rolihlahla Madiba. Rre go leboga tota. O re file mmatla a badimo. 
O re ratile, o lerato!

July 18th 1918 - December 5th 2013 (Long Live the King).

Khaleesi Ipeleng x

P.S. "If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."Nelson Mandela 

Thursday, 5 December 2013


This year, I decided that I DO like Moby... A lot.

'It's been three years since I am knocking on your door and I still can knock some more'
- Bob Nesta Marley
Khaleesi x
P.S. Tis the season to get reading!

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

 1. If you love your bacon
2. If you are in Cape Town, South Africa
3. If you are strolling up Kloof street
PLEASE do not hesitate to indulge in one of the best breakfast croissants ever.
Manna restaurant is situated atop Kloof Street (The extension of Long Street), Cape Town.
I went to this restaurant with a few close friends and family in December last year and OH BOY WAS IT THE ONE!
As some may know, I am a pescatarian (I only eat fish... I still do not know why this is a classification, but you know how people are.) and this is the meal that one of my friends had:
A lightly toasted croissant, filled with Camembert, a poached egg, a rasher of bacon and fresh herbs. The meal is finished off with a home-made basil pesto, that is out of this world.
4. If you are a vegetarian, Muslim, Jewish or 'Other', ask for the meal without bacon :)
Bon Appetit :)
Khaleesi of the *Universe*

P.S. R.I.P Paul Walker... What a handsome legend you are!

Many people often misunderstand my dislike for the city and my reason for this is always that: There is no beach in the city. Water is one of the most essential sources of power, for my soul. It has this calming effect that reignites all my feelings of hope, ecstasy and peace. Even though I was born in the heart of the city, I have always felt as if my home, my heart and my life lies alongside the coastlines of the world. There are so many parallels that can be drawn between the city and the coast, but one that is prominent to me, is the difference in the pace and nature of the lifestyles lead by the inhabitants of the seaside and those inland.
Like me, a lot of members of the world flourish better when placed in environments that do not feel rushed. This is my one of my favourite qualities of the coast. Time is controlled by the man who possesses it and everyone there understands this. I believe that it is so important to go through life at our own pace. Nobody can dictate our rate of progression because as one progresses in love, another progresses in overcoming heartache. As one progresses in profession, another progresses in raising children. Progression is an individual quality that has been distorted into a figure of time; allowing for people to feel as if they need to accomplish certain goals by a certain point in their lives. Yes, it is ideal to progress at the same rate as others, but what happens when you allow YOUR time to be determined by others... It becomes THEIRS. To live according to our individual principles is of the utmost importance. It is when we start to live for others and the effect that we have on them, that we start to lose ourselves in a sense of conditioned, mundane routine. People are susceptible to acceptance, but we fail to recognise that self-acceptance is the only kind that really matters.
A dear friend of mine, recently resigned from a job that she hated, even though the extra income would add material value to her life. I told her that she is brave, because not many people are strong enough to walk away from money. It takes a strong sense of understanding, of self and self-worth to do such and I commend her highly for her inspiration herewith.
It may be surprising that one would choose to build a life by the coast: where the pay checks are inscribed with fewer zeros and the surf-line is deemed appropriate for business meetings. All I can say, from my point of view, is that I would rather choose to lead a life where the quality is higher and the monetary value is decreased; than one where I spend most of my hours stuck in traffic, just to ensure that I close the deal that will supplement my colleagues' Christmas bonuses at the close of each year (which will generally be spent over the two-three weeks of holiday-time that I have accumulated by filling up my petrol tank twice a week).
I know that most of my population would disagree with what I am saying, but...
Even when the rain pours, there is always sunshine, on the seaside of life.
Happy Day and Happy Life to You All!
Khaleesi x

Monday, 2 December 2013

'Joy is a nest of love, by which you can catch souls.'
- Mother Teresa.
Happy Meatless Monday!
Khaleesi x
P.S. When the world tells you that you're crazy, your heart tells you that you are strong! - KI

Saturday, 30 November 2013


IF you truly listen to your heart and you choose to believe in what is has to say; what it makes you feel, then all of those messages... The ones that you hear from within, will manifest themselves in ways that you had never imagined. The ideal way in which we want to live is a reflection of the ideal way in which we choose to live. It is so important to believe in yourself and trust me when I say: I know it is not easy, but the more you allow yourself to push beyond the norms of society, the stronger your sense of inner-power, shall grow.
I made many wishes today, as I do everyday and I know that they will come true, because I am a believer, with an abundance of faith. Lucky for the Gods of Power, that I am a patient being. Lucky for me, that The Gods of Power are on my side.
Believe in Thee. Believe in Me. Believe in an everlasting Us.
Bonne Nuit,
Khaleesi of the *UNIVERSE*
P.S. It's almost December-Time :)

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Mon Coeur!
Today I am feeling so honoured to be a part of the movement that we all know as life. I would like to share a story with you all .
  I met the man of my dreams... I believe. He is so amazing and his spirit overwhelmed me with so much joy that it scared me to death. As a woman of strength, love, confidence and security, I felt extremely vulnerable in the times that we would spend together. I guess that this is the sign that I should have looked for, when gauging whether or not this man is indeed the one for me. I believe that our souls connect for a reason and the purpose of these connections is to elevate the awareness of self and selves alike. Sometimes, when people listen to each others' stories of love, I find that we are so quick to judge the next character, based on the conditioned notions that are based on our current or past personal experiences.  At the end of the day, your heart always tells you exactly what you want and it is up to you to keep your fighting spirit alive within your soul. Sometimes I find myself thinking of that very same man and when I converse with my heart and I ask it :"Why?"... It responds with the feeling of love. I cannot help the way that I feel, but whenever I look deeply into those same eyes, I realise how lucky I am to have met a person, who makes my soul fly. I always tell people how lucky I am... I feel that as long as we are alive, there is always hope and a hopeful heart creates space for a fulfilled soul.  

... Just a thought...
 Khaleesi x


Monday, 23 September 2013


Say no to clubbing... House parties are the one!
Khaleesi x
P.S. Remember that today is Meatless Monday ;)

Sunday, 22 September 2013

'If you are going through hell, you should keep on going. Persistence beats resistance' :)
Happy Sunday Funday!
Image captured by Ipeleng Motuba circa June '13 (Seapoint, Cape Town)
Khaleesi x
P.S. 'Have a heart that never hardens, a temper that never tires and a touch that never hurts.'
- Charles Dickens

Saturday, 21 September 2013

When You Get It!

I am in love with the faith that is within my soul. I have complete faith in the ideas of absolute freedom, ultimate love and everlasting happiness!
Best of success for the weekend ahead and always stay true to the core values of your soul.
Love is tainted by the negative energy that is associated with loss and pain. Love is made pure again by the restoration of faith in self. The latter may appear more challenging to accept; as it is in the nature of mankind to allow for pity to be shown towards himself and his companions. To have faith is to simply believe.
Believe in thee, believe in we, believe in an everlasting us.
Khaleesi x
P.S. Love has no heights and love has no fears. Friendship should be as romantic as love; for it is in friendship that our truths reveal themselves naturally; free of all limits and reservations.
 - Ipeleng Motuba. 

Thursday, 19 September 2013


A message from the GlassTableGirl: Ipeleng Motuba aka Khaleesi.

Brethren and Sistren... I and I is blessed by the light of Jah and Jah's saviours. As I embark on this journey I am inspired by the blessings that is upon me grace.

I and I shall never walk in fear, for all the beauty and all the love in the world is forever ignited within me soul. The love that I choose to live and the love I choose to have is the love I choose to give.

Never feel the shame that man has created in this world. Only I can judge what I can feel and only I can ensure that I shall always be free. It is told that the Revelations of Jah shall set us free. Until we come to recognise his faith in our being, we shall remain imprisoned by the tings that mean no matter to our lives.

 Let us be united in this ambitious truth we call life. Let us help each other to achieve them successes of our higher spirits.

Be one with the light, the love, the peace and most importantly...
Be one with self-fulfilled happiness!

One love! 
Khaleesi Ipeleng of the *UNIVERSE* x

P.S. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness..."  - The Bible

Tuesday, 17 September 2013


This song taps into my soul!
Khaleesi x
P.S. There are few better feelings than that of being in love with your life. - Ipeleng Motuba.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

I present to you:
1 x Vegetarian Burger: This three-bean patty, coated in oats and seared to perfection, creates a courageous crunch on the palette combined with a tender softness in the mouth ;) The compliment of the buckwheat salad (similar to cous-cous), plays a bonus role in the delicious nature of this dish; as does the chickpea salsa.  
Happy Eating!
Khaleesi x
P.S. If you fail to eat your vegetables, you will become a vegetable.

Halo mes amis. Aujourd'hui est la jour du soleil! J'espère que vous êtes excité d'être en vie. N'oubliez pas que l'amour s'emporte.
- Hello my friends. Today is the day of THE SUN! I hope that you are excited to be alive. Always remember that love prevails.
Gros l'amour,
Khaleesi x
P.S. Faire l'amour, tous les jours! - Make love, everyday!

Monday, 2 September 2013


'Why settle for a Prince, when we walk amongst Kings?' - Ipeleng Motuba.
Toast, to one of the BEST DAYS EVER!
Khaleesi x

Saturday, 31 August 2013

Give birth like a G!
Why are so many children created in a willy-nilly fashion?
A month or so ago, I was blessed to be surrounded by some close friends over a celebratory dinner that I hosted.  At the dinner, my mates mentioned a movie, that is based on a book by Lionel Shriver called:
'We Need To Talk About Kevin'.
I watched this movie a few hours ago and I can tell you that it has changed my life. I believe that it is a movie that every person in the world needs to watch; as it invokes fear within the soul and deeper thought behind the ideals of parenting and making decisions for self. It depicts the strength of a mother whose view on her life has become diminished in the role of loving her child: who is a menace beyond the realms of psychosis. The darkness of this movie not only makes one think twice about having children at all, but it also opens up ones mind in a way that is unimaginable. The mind is a powerful tool that often overshadows thoughts from the heart and this is one of the most detrimental defects of our existence.
Imagine giving birth to a healthy child whose sole purpose it is, is to consciously/subconsciously destroy your sense of happiness in the worst ways fathomable. A child who is born with a dark mindset that only enriches itself as he or she grows older. Nothing can prepare us for the birth of another soul. Society has defined good and bad children for many generations, but there is no comparison to the bad nature of the character of the child in this movie. There is no level of intellect or intuition that could ease his parents responsibility in his life. The weirdest part, for me though, was the lack of synchronicity between the parents and their parenting-style. The idea behind parenting lies in the fact that it is 'team-work' right? There are so many households that are lead by parents who do not really see eye-to-eye on their style of upbringing, but these are 'problems' that one should discuss prior to entering a union with ones partner as far as I have been taught.  
The question in mind today is: When one parent is completely favoured by their child, to the point of absolute manipulation, where does the balancing act come in; whereby that same parent begins to stimulate the same sense of favour, for the unfavourable parent?
It is common in these situations that one may find that the favoured parent thrives on the nature of their relationship with the child and fails to acknowledge the lack of such a relationship between the child and their better-half. It is very easy to succumb to the attention that is attached to being favoured by another being, but when do we stop indulging in the flattery and start paying attention to the energy exchange that we experience with every interaction?
It is obvious that this film has thoroughly grabbed my attention and it has certainly made me reconsider my views of having children and giving birth. One could see that this woman was not elated during her pregnancy. From the point of gestation to the end of the movie, one can tell that she constantly questions having bore this child into the world. Her eyes tell a story that her heart speaks true and through all of her turmoil and all of her joy, she remained committed to her duty as a mother and a wife; as she loved her child in the most unconditional of ways.
She is committed to her love, because she made the choice to give birth and she shows a strength that has made me more aware of the power within. A strength that cannot be matched to any pain, loss or guilt that I have felt in my life. This is a story of a woman who deserves to love. The tale of two polar worlds that inspire those living in it to act beyond the capacity of their abilities. A story that I am grateful to not be living, but one that has reaffirmed my desire to be alive.
Khaleesi of the *Universe* x
FYI: "Historical and anthropological literature shows that lying down for birth is a relatively modern phenomenon, as we have moved from a more social to a surgical model of care. As far back as written records, carvings and paintings go, women have given birth upright – whether it was using stacked bricks to create a primitive birthing stool or holding onto leaves and ropes hung from trees. A famous drawing from Egypt depicts Cleopatra (69-30 BC) kneeling to give birth.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

MES AMIS! I feel so lucky and I know that I have always been privileged in the sense of luck, but this time, the Universe is really opening up in ways that I always imagined to be possible. A month or so ago, my Soul-Sister and founding member of The Keep Eating Organisation was awarded the selection of being an Ambassador for Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution. She is now the honorary Ambassador for the brand and is in charge of manifesting its worth in the Gauteng region of South Africa.
Blossom is one of those amazing spirits who reminds me of who I am and where we come from. To be able to feel inspired by her, whether she be near or far is a blessing that many people find surprising. Whenever we tell people, that we have been in each others lives since 1994, they immediately tell us how lucky we are, because friendships "don't last that long"... We say NEIN, they actually do and heres to another 19 years and counting :)
The point of my writing today is to thank my Blossom for applying for such a position because had she not:
1. She would have never been seleceted (AND SHE IS OH SO WORTHY OF SUCH A SELECTION) and
2. She would have not recommended that I apply to become an Ambassador too.
Last week, I was given the opportunity to apply for the position of becoming an Ambassador for the Food Revolution; upon the suggestin of my friend. I thought to myself, what are the chances that we would both be selected to uphold this amazing position on planet earth.
WELL... As I said in my earlier statements, WE ARE FRICKEN LUCKY BECAUSE:
You are now looking at the Ambassadors for,
Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution in, Gauteng, South Africa :)
Khaleesi x
P.S. Do not be afraid to outshine yourself.

Friday, 9 August 2013


There was a point when I thought that Ramadaan was never going to end and here we have it!
Happy Woman's day to all the sisters out there and Eid Mubarak to my Muslim community. I thoroughly enjoyed learning more about the Islamic faith and it shall forever be a part of my existence.
Jah Bless Your Souls and Be Good Out There!
Best Love,
Khaleesi Ipeleng of the *UNIVERSE*

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

The New Moon
I am so excited that tomorrow marks the last day of what has been a challenging, yet rewarding fasting season. This is the third consecutive year that I have indulged in the Ramadaan fast and I must say that I feel honoured to be a part of such a test of my will. I am one of those people who has always enjoyed my freedom in that I have seldom followed the conditioned values of society and I have always behaved in an 'extremely' adventurous manner. Some people like to refer to this as a form of rebellion, I prefer to call it curiosity.
During the past month, I have tested myself in ways that I never thought imaginable. I have discovered a new sense of strong will, which I never thought existed within me. Imagine being a chef and not being able to taste the food that you cook? Well that is the challenge that my Muslim colleagues and I have been faced with since the 10th of July. We have had to rely merely on the heightened abilities of our other senses, which I must say, have allowed for me (us) to embark on a completely different form of performance when it comes to our profession. Needless to say, we have been very successful in our endeavours herewith. I have found this fasting season to be the kind of awakening that I have only really felt through the awakening of the deaths of people who are close to me and the births of those who I hold dear to my heart.
There is something about these experiences that allows for one to reconsider ones existence on planet earth. I have questioned my integrity, my sense of power, the ideals of my soul's worth and the atonement of my faith. I have thoroughly enjoyed this journey of truth. I have grown in my love, happiness and purity. I have come to the broader realisation of my mental capacity; which is something that I hope to continue to rediscover in the aims of propelling myself to gain full control of my spirit. I believe that: he who acquires control of his mind is forever successful in developing the intricate desires of his soul. When we fail to realise the importance of the expansion of the soul, we neglect to steer the innate driving force within us; which allows for us to develop our existence in this life and the next.
This is the thought that I would like to leave you with today. The thought of power. Power of the mind, body, heart and soul. For without power, we are deemed weak and without strength, we are left with the fear of failure. Without success, we are considerably dented in our progression and without faith, we are left in a state of decay. A state in which we feel as if we cannot explore the many possibilities that we and only we care to create for ourselves.
Believe in thee, believe in we, believe in everlasting love and most importantly believe in the convoluted proliferation of self and selves alike.
Best Love,
Khaleesi x
P.S. “All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.” - Abraham Lincoln. 

Sunday, 4 August 2013


Be with the one who speaks your mind and understands your heart.
- Ipeleng Motuba.
Bonne Nuit,
Khaleesi of the *UNIVERSE*/ GlassTableGirl x
'La vie est un cadeau. Alors allez-y et laissez votre coeur tuer la peur'
 "Life is a gift. Go forth and let your heart kill fear"
- Mmaphuthi Morule
Khaleesi x

P.S. Happy 200th post to Glass Table Girl :)

Friday, 2 August 2013

Some home-made beef fillet, parmesan and parsley ravioli pasta-pockets; served in a stewed consomme with some poached medallions, topped with an array of exotic wild mushrooms.
This week has been one filled with patience and understanding. Even though I choose not to eat meat, I am not one of those chefs who will stop myself from tasting it. I believe that the best chefs will try anything at least once and just because I put it in my mouth, it does not mean that I swallow it ;)
With that said, I must say that this meal will inspire meat-lovers to eat at home. There is no better feeling than knowing that you created an entire meal for you and/or your loved ones from scratch. It works out to be cheaper, healthier and it is always made with love.
Be Good Out There!
Khaleesi x
P.S. Keep Eating.

There is hip-hop and then there is Andre 3000!
Khaleesi x
P.S. 'La douleur d'hier est la force d'aujourd'hui.' - 'The pain of yesterday is the strength of today.'
I was looking through my journal this morning, when I came across some letters that I have written to myself over the past year or two. I am not the biggest fan of the 'Dear Diary' lifestyle, because when I was a teenager, during the peak of my adventures, I wrote some extreme words about my mother and she one day read these words and responded by writing a note back to me, on the next page...
What a legend!
 It was on that day that I understood that 1. Parents will always look through your belongings, because that is what they do and 2. Never to leave private belongings at the disposal of the people around you, because that is just asking for 'trouble' even if your item of choice reads "Do not read this... Personal Diary of Ipeleng Motuba". Curious discovery is a part of human nature and any 'normal person' would secretly read the diary in question, but only the brave will leave a response inside.
So I generally keep my journal to jot down any interesting thoughts that I think I may forget (mainly during my travels) and to make records of the tasks that I have completed or have yet to complete. I also tend to write down any quotes that I come across and I have to sometimes remind myself to pray, breathe and smile.
I wrote this to myself on November the 15th 2012 and I would like to share it with you all - in the aims of inspiring you to feel the same way about pursuing the ultimate form of your existence:
'Do not be afraid to outshine yourself. Physicality is enhanced by intelligence, strength, health and power. Do not give up on yourself, for that would be a greater heart-break than any other which you have come to experience. Persevere in your existence, Goddess-Child and do not be afraid to flourish beyond your capabilities.'
Khaleesi x
P.S. "I can do better, than make love to you. Better than make you scream my name." - Robin Thicke. 

Monday, 22 July 2013

When A Man Loves A Woman!
This evening, I needed to go to the petrol station to fill up my tank (WHOOP WHOOP) and purchase some merchandise from the shop on site. I was so comfortable, at home in my pyjamas and was tempted to hop straight into my car and venture out, pyjamas and all. I then remembered that I had been taught to never leave the house in my pyjamas. My mother and a lot of women have always told me that 'you never know who you might meet at the shops... What if the man of your dreams is inside and he sees you wearing your house-gear?'
I obediently threw on my chef pants and a coat over my pyjamas and took a drive up the road, feeling good about the fact that I was 'not wearing' my pyjamas. Upon my arrival, I noticed that there was an entire queue of people wearing night gowns and slippers and I felt like the only idiot, who was fully dressed in my 'appropriate' attire. The woman standing in front of me began to tell me a long story of how her dogs needed gravy for their food, otherwise they would throw a tantrum. I politely smiled and told her that she is a good mother and without any hesitation, I pulled my coat up and said 'Hey, look, I'm actually wearing my pyjamas too'. We walked out and continued to discuss her pets and I conveyed to her how I was warned not to wear my pyjamas out in public; as my dream-man could be waiting for me by the chip aisle (... like sure).
The woman (aged 50+) said to me: 'You know what my girly, if he loves you, he will love you in any state that he finds you in. My friends always ask me why I chill in my pyjamas all day and I simply tell them: BECAUSE I CAN. I love being in the comfort of my own home and why should I waste my time doing obscene amounts of laundry, when I can simply slip back into a fresh pair of pyjamas after I shower in the morning?. You know, when my late husband was still around, we used to sit in our back yard, naked and it was the best... We would sit and look at the trees all afternoon, with no clothes on. That is what true love is about: being completely comfortable in whatever attire you find yourself in. When you are naked and a man or a woman can sit by your side, for hours on end, without so much as a thought in mind; in his or her birthday suit... That is when you know that you have made it in the world. So never apologise for wearing your pyjamas to the shops and never be afraid of being your most natural self, for the man who loves you, will love all of you.'
I did not manage to catch the woman's name, because she soon after walked away from me. It does not matter though, because even though I will probably never see her again, that woman made my night and she had someone to share her loving story with, leaving her with the biggest smile on her face.
May her husband's soul rest in peace and may she remain as happy and confident in herself as she seemed tonight.
Jah bless their souls.
Khaleesi x
P.S. This is a true story!
I prepared this salad by shallow frying some floured kingklip strips, in some: garlic, ginger and lightly salted butter. I then made the base for my salad by using some torn spinach and lettuce, chopped tomatoes and crumbed feta. To spice up the texture of my salad, I grated a potato and lightly fried it in an egg white; then I topped off the salad with some freshly grated carrots and a dijon mustard dressing.
Life is a great journey, lived to the fullest, only by a few great men.
Bonne Nuit Mes Amis,
Khaleesi x
P.S. 'Love is my permission to be who I am, no inhibitions cos you understand.' - Chrisette Michelle

Sunday, 21 July 2013

My sister Rori Motuba made me this delicious, well-balanced meal circa. 2012 :)
A lot of people often think that I am crazy for being a non-meat eater. It was not until recently that I decided to stop eating chicken and pork. I have never really enjoyed eating red meat, because it makes my body feel weird, but my dad forbade me from becoming a vegetarian when I was a child; as he said that I needed to take in all the required nutrients necessary for stimulated growth. So since I was twelve or so, my body has primarily taken in the delicious tastes of chicken, pork chops, pork ribs (If you eat beef ribs, then I suggest you switch to pork, because they are so much better) and what used to be my favourite, BACON!
I found myself eating roast chicken and/or some form of pork almost every day and towards the end of 2012, I started to feel my body rejecting both chicken and pork. This made me a little sad, because when you have been in love for over a decade, it is difficult to let go.
One thing that I can tell you is that there are few better smells than that of a chicken being roasted to its perfection. If there is any form of meat that I seldom crave, it is definitely lamb chops and/or A WHOLE BABY CHICKEN!
I do not choose to eat fish only (even this is becoming slightly redundant), because of religious purposes or any other emotional reasons. I choose to do so, because it is what I enjoy, and life is about enjoyment. My body is my temple and I shall serve it wholly. What my body wants, my body gets; whether it be food, love or pure blessings. Look after yourself, the force of the Universe is there to guide you, use it!
You are the master of your inner-happiness, so create it wholly.
Best Love and Happy Sunday Funday.
Khaleesi x
P.S. "May my tears run just as far, that my love might never know that one day I cried for him..."
- Paulo Coelho

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

'If it's love flowing freely, I'm ready! If the waters can redeem me, I'm ready!'

Today I would like to give thanks to Allah for giving the strength to complete week 1 of this Ramadan cycle. I have tried to fast during the Ramadan period before, but this time I am feeling much stronger in my will. I am more alive in my existence than ever before and it is thanks to the many Gods that protect my soul, that I am able to steer forth in my journey.
I would also love to give thanks to my many Muslim friends for being my pillars of strength and learning during this time. Faith is my religion and faith is what I have. In myself, in humanity, from this life to the next.
Today is dedicated to the ideals of love, life and ever-lasting happiness!
In the name of The Prophet Muhammed, The Word of Allah and the Heavens Above.
Best Love,
Khaleesi of the *Universe*
P.S. 'If not now, then when?' - Tracy Chapman