Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Life is all about going deep and really looking beyond the surface of your soul.
Today, I present to you some deep fried fish, prepared in a light curried batter, served with some sliced chips, fresh tartare sauce, tomato salsa and a little bit of love :)
 My fellow Chef and mate, Phillip, concentrating hard in the background!

We made some tartare sauce by adding some finely chopped gherkins and capers to our home-made mayonnaise. This can be spiced to the flavour of your palette. I added:
A pinch of cayenne pepper
1/2 a teaspoon of salt and pepper
Some fresh rosemary and a hint of sugar; As well as, 1/2 a clove of crushed garlic.

Fried food has this homey feel that just keeps on pulling you back for some more."DEEP FRIED" is not the healthiest option when preparing food, but we'll make an exception for those 'cheat days', today being one of them ;) 


Bon Appetit!
Khaleesi x
P.S. Life is for the loving!

Friday, 22 March 2013

Life As A Lover.
Today is one of the most beautiful days of my life. I feel a new sense of pride within myself and only the Universe knows why. Perhaps it is because I am genuinely happy. I have always enjoyed the finer aspects of life such as: greetings, hugs, laughter, love and excitement... Today I feel as if I am fully immersed in my soul and there is no other way that I would rather choose to live. In fact, ever since the day that I decide to administer my negative emotions and filter them out of my system, my life has become more peaceful and less distracted by menial experiences; although I have learnt a great deal from every experience of negative or positive enlightenment. At the end of the day, enlightenment can only serve us in a positive manner right? If we choose to learn, I guess...
To realise that all of my dreams are coming true, is slightly overwhelming. It feels as overwhelming as meeting 'The One', in some respects, because: something you love, with all your heart, is flying in its fruition for the greater benefit of your soul's worth. There are some days that I am still shocked at the fact that I wake up at 05h00, without any quams and I feel excited about my day ahead. In an Interview I watched a few years ago on VH1, Pharrell Williams quoted Chinese Teacher and Philosopher, Konfuzius (Confucius) in saying : 'If you do something that you really love, you will never work a day in your life.' I always understood the expression and I have always believed myself to be a lover of life in that I have mostly done the things that I love to do; from a very young age.
Essentially whether or not you want to, I believe that every one of us should try to experience an elevated form of living:
'Always Be Thy Higher Self' - Melissa Flerangile. If everybody did exactly what the want to as opposed to what they have to, I believe that there would be world peace. It is up to you to push yourself in the direction that you choose. I must admit that there are few better feelings than waking up and loving what you do, every day. Like I said, it is like waking up next to the love of your life, forever. Some people might argue my viewpoint in saying that if we all did what we wanted to, then we would be living in a global state of anarchy. Well, we are all entitled to our basic human rights; as we are all free to provoke original thought.
We need aspire to live within our dreams, in this life and the ones to follow. In all aspects of our beings, we should allow ourselves the privilege of knowing and acquiring that which we know we deserve. It is so easy to be blinded by the darkness of external influences and the 'standards' of societal organisations, because we become afraid to take the steps towards building our dream lives; hence, we rather settle for a life that we have been conditioned to enjoy. From a happy person's perspective, it is much easier to lead a life of utter joy... A dream life.
Bon Vendredi - Happy Friday,
Khaleesi x
P.S. 'If what one finds is made of pure matter, it will never spoil. And one can always come back. If what you had found was only a moment of light, like the explosion of a star, you would find nothing on your return.'
- Paulo Coelho

Friday, 15 March 2013

 First of all... Happy 150th post to my blog - WHOOP! WHOOP! I am so excited to be able to share my journey with you all and I feel privileged to be blessed with your company; as I surf along the ocean that is my life, in search of complete love, happiness, wealth of the mind and peace of the soul. Namaste et Merci Beaucoup de vous, mes amis.  
 - Khaleesi Ipeleng of the *UNIVERSE*
First on the menu we have:
Hong-Kong Stewy

- Pap (Bohobe) Served with a tangy Beef Stew
People often ask me why I choose not to eat meat and my answer is always the same. i do not enjoy the texture of any meat, except for fish and until recently, chicken. It is not a form of religious sacrifice of any spiritual attachment to the lives of animals (although, the more I learn of it, the more conscious I am that they too have a soul). I prefer not to eat meat, because of the way that it affects the processes of digestion; in that it would cause a knot in my system, every time I indulged. Biological research and anthropological discoveries have shown that meat actually decays in the system of human beings and it is not able to be broken down to its foundational nutrients or proteins. The body of man, was not built to process or breakdown meat and this is primarily evident in our dental structure which is not built to tear through tough pieces of foods; but rather to ingest soft vegetables, fruits and herbs. This is what we are built to survive on the natural produce of Mother Nature and the water which she so willingly provides for those of us who are privileged to experience such.
With that said, I present to the Universe: A Kingklip Surprise
- Pan-seared Kingklip served with a Rondo Salad and Fusion Mushrooms, Onions and Peppers; topped with sunflower seeds and a Sweet Indonesian Soy Sauce.
For dessert :) I present to you:
Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
10 cups of flour
5tsp of baking powder
1/1.5 cups of sugar
150g of butter
4T of vanilla essence
1/2 a carton of milk
4 eggs (cracked separately)
Mix together all the dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl
Add the butter and mix until the texture is crumbed
In a separate bowl, mix together the moist ingredients (making sure to crack each egg individually, before adding them to the vanilla essence and milk mixture)
Filter the moist ingredients into the dry ones and mix thoroughly until your batter is the consistency of soft and moist. The batter should be very flexible.
Using a table spoon, half fill the pockets of your muffin tray.
 Bake in the oven for 35 minutes et voila it's CHRISTMAS TIME!
Final Product:
Some freshly baked scones, served with home-made whipped cream, strawberry jam and basil.

  A special THANK YOU to Ousi Maki Tsimeli for this amazing recipe :)

Khaleesi x
P.S. 'Compassion, Tolerance, Forgiveness and a sense of Self-Discipline help us lead our daily lives with a calm mind.'
- THE Dalai Lama

Thursday, 14 March 2013


There comes a point in our lives when we realise that the most important aspect of being alive is our inner-happiness. Human beings are conditioned to think and feel, live and act a certain way; but very few of us are conditioned to understand.Why is it that when one makes a decision for oneself, it is automatically deemed as 'selfish'. I would love to find out who first connoted the acts of selfishness, with the feelings of negative energy, because to me, being selfish does not necessarily have to be a taboo. Surely we should all strive to push each other to make the best decisions for our selves, without the emotional influence that we naturally project upon others; due to a lack of faith in our own experiences. It is safe to say that we have been so thoroughly brainwashed by 'what is right and what is wrong', that we have forgotten how to behave upon our innate emotions.

In my mind, I like to refer to the term, 'positive selfishness', which is the foundation of inner-happiness. Positive selfishness is a tricky manoeuvre that has been perfected by those who choose to see life from a higher perspective. Some look to meditate, others look to engage in artistic forms of soul-searching, such as music or dance. Christians go to church and seek the guidance of their God.In the Rastafarian culture, one is referred to as I and I. A spiritual reference to the way in which one is mentally aware of ones higher sense of being, thus allowing for one to recognise both I as oneself and I's higher connection to ones spiritual essence and faithful existence; the highest level being that of Jah Rastafari. This is what we are lacking, a true, pure sense of existence. I believe that if we were to engage in seeking our higher beings, then we would always try to make the best, most informed choices according to our individual needs. We should do so in a way in which we are understanding of others and their personal challenge in discovering the beauty of the higher world. We should guide each other, respectfully, willingly, forgivingly and most importantly, happily. Imagine a world where everybody leads the life that they want to. A world full of an elevated mentality that sees beyond the simple interactions that we place so much emphasis on in our daily practises of improvement of self.

I hope everyone tries to improve on their being, daily, because life is a process of The Evolution of The Soul and
you would not want to miss that boat.

Regardless of which ever form it takes place for us to become more aware of our higher sense of self, I believe that it is essential for us to delve deeper into our spriritual senses and look beyond what we have been taught by society. We need to start building the global chain of improvement, because as charity starts at home, inner-happiness and the completion of a peaceful existence, begins with you. The moment that we start to think consciously for and about self, is the moment when we will realise how genuinely blessed we are (have been) in this life, the ones before and those to come. So carry yourself with a sense of pride in whatever you do and in so-doing, be aware that you will be tempted to suffer; the choice is yours. It is the manner in which you manage your emotional perspective on the Universe and on yourself, that enables you to propel your ambitions, maturely from within. Yes, we will make many a mistake, but we will also forgive many a time. Essentially, we must realise that it is indeed possible to live our potential life and it is indeed possible to be present in an ultimate state of euphoria. To live in a euphoric state, everyday... Now that is a life worth thriving for.

Best Love and Ultimate Peace of Soul,
Khaleesi x

P.S. 'Doctors Save Lives, Nurses Save Doctors'  

- A Message to all WOMEN: Let us Support, Love, Forgive and Be HAPPY for Each Other, Always!

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

There Will Come a Time...

Love always,


P.S. 'How can we make love if you don't love me? - Ms.Erykah.Badu