Tuesday, 25 February 2014


I love this song with all my heart.

"Celebrating life is great/ But not without a cry. Celebrating life is good/ But not without a smile. Celebrating life is sweet/ But not without a dance. Celebrating life with you/ With everything it brings.".

Best Love,
Khaleesi x

P.S. "More than words is all you have to do to make it real/
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me/ 
'Cause I'd already know. "
- Extreme, 'More Than Words'

Thursday, 20 February 2014


I found this video online, whilst searching for an N.E.R.D. Song des Tages (Song of the day), "Breakout" - please listen to this song, in your own time. Really listen to it though, the words...

It is unfortunate that this video ends so abruptly, but with the information and inspiration delivered to us through this eloquently expressed individual of the world; one cannot help, but strive for a better form of being, oneself.

Pharrell states in this interview, how grateful he is to have been named the greatest producer over the decade 2000-2010. What is so amazing about this creative spirit is that: the projects that he mentions in this interview; shot in 2010, are the very projects that he had then imagined -  as expressed, in his answering the host's question - would solidify his position as: the greatest producer, over the current decade. What dreams may come, we may not know. The power of the words that we express and the ways in which we choose for our inner-most desires to manifest are the fundamental values that we should always keep in mind, when creating the journey that we wish to travel. 

'You definitely want to just continue to be a part of the curation of a new experience, when someone hears a new record.' - Pharrell Williams.

Today, four years into the current decade that was spoken of in 2012, Monsieur Williams continues to shine on the world with his intuitive mind, child-friendly spirit and ever-growing will to push boundaries of creation beyond unfathomable heights.

Merci pour l'inspiration.

Bonne Nuit,
Khaleesi x

P.S. "Believe and Act as if it were impossible to fail" - Charles Kettering.

Monday, 17 February 2014


They say that blood is thicker than water, but they never tell you which water you should stow away for safekeeping. Sometimes, we come across a current that we cannot fight against and in its blessing, we are taught the ideals of strength, love and complete surrender to the higher powers. There comes a point, when we must recognise that there are some waters that run thicker than blood.

I am so grateful to have gained a new sister, in this beautiful woman, Pheello (Khanyisa) Tsotsi.

Phee is one of those women who is so together, that it is sometimes frightening. I remember meeting her in the year 2009 and we happened to hit it off very well :) I was struggling with the idea of studying Law - a degree that I have much interest in - a career that I knew I lacked the desire to fulfill. As a thriving CA at the time, Phee advised me to follow my heart; as she could understand how unhappy I was at the time. Thanks to her inspiration, I continued with my studies through to the end of the following year and I struggled not only with my choice to persevere, but with the fact that I was being untrue to myself. She has always told me to be clear in my aspirations herewith and to really dive deep into something that I enjoy with all my heart. 

I am so honoured to have been an attendee of her beautiful wedding, to my "Brother", Mr. Lungi Tsotsi. What a truly inspirational union to witness. 

I wish you many days of happiness and an endless amount of undying love for one another.

 Image courtesy of: Mbuso Ndlovu

 Image courtesy of: Joan Njeri Njuguna.

 Image courtesy of: Joan Njeri Njuguna.

 Image courtesy of: The stranger who used Mbuso's phone.

Image courtesy of: Botshelo Motuba.

(To Lungi and Pheello)

When your heart lies with the soul of another
Your soul enshrines the look of your lover,
When true love fills the spirit of your air.

The love that sings the early bird's song
The truth that sets you free.
The kiss, a familiar feeling of
The peace in harmony.

The love of a lover
Unity at its strength
The passion, innate
The fear, 
no longer there.

Best Love,
Khaleesi x

P.S. Make love!

Wednesday, 12 February 2014


To this day, I still wish that I had the power to fly!
Bonne Nuit!
Khaleesi x
P.S. This is a feel-good jam :)
The Story Of My Life.
To fall for someone can be overwhelmingly intense. In our minds, we build up expectations; consciously and subconsciously and the minute we feel that those expectations are beginning to fall out of line, we are challenged with turmoil. There comes this constant wave of emotions, which, if not monitored correctly, may result in: the oozing of that turmoil, through the cracks of our souls, in a manner that is unattractive, unkind and unrecognisable. At most times, these uncontrolled outbursts of anger cause for us to express ourselves in ways which are untrue. This is usually released in the form of negative, emotional energy and it is often directed at the most unlucky individual. At the end of the day, we are all human and we have all made, are making and will make many mistakes that will hopefully be understood by those who hold us most dear to their hearts... If-so they choose.
Do we hurt the people that we consider very close to us, in an attempt to bring about a reaction or is this a chemical ignition that is fuelled by our inability to control our emotional imbalances during the tumultuous times of our tales? Are we really dark-minded individuals or have we been conditioned to word our emotions of pain, confusion and fear in a way that is often destructible to the relationships that we make high efforts to build, from scratch?
I know that I have been completely outlandish in my behaviour in terms of the above-mentioned analysis of pain and the reaction towards it. I have found that I am so busy trying to maintain my happiness, that I seldom find the time to really understand the moments in which I feel sad, angry, hurt or ashamed. This is evidentally dangerous; as it allows for me to reconcile with, only the good aspects of my individuality; whereas, the flaws that I possess are often ignored until such a point that I allow for my negative emotions to remain caged for long periods of times. This is completely unhealthy and even though I have always known so, this week, I allowed for myself to act so irrationally and insanely in love, that I am still failing to recognise myself as that person. This has brought to my attention that I need to better handle myself as a grown woman and as an educated member of this Universe.
I seek to be pain-free, but pain lives within me. I yearn to trust in the word of the good man, who so willingly chooses to understand me. I pray that I shall not falter in my endeavours herewith (in dealing with the negativity of the soul). I vow to be forever grateful, for the days to come. I have a deep hunger to remain faithful to the nature of my soul and in so-doing, I need  be true to every emotion that I experience. Only then, will I be able to create the equilibrium of my existence.  
To those who are hurting. To the one who understands me. I am here... I will forever be in love; as  love shall forever be in me. The darkness has faded and when it comes again, my desire to face it with enlightenment, will be my only saving grace.

Believe in Thee. Believe in Me. Believe in an Everlasting Us.
Best Love,
Khaleesi x
P.S. "... I don't wanna be here, alone." - Mariah Carey, Love Takes Time.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014


The other day, I was very confident (perhaps too confident, because I was not concentrating as well as I should have been, at the time) in myself; in that I was to make another one of those delicious three-egg omelettes that I am so privileged to be able to make. To my surprise, the omelette broke as I was trying to flip it, without the use of a spatula (A trick that I shall soon use to get into amazing food-fairs). I thought to myself... "If this were a high-pressured situation; whereby a child's life depended on the production of some sort of good-looking egg-breakfast-dish, what would you do?"

In a heartbeat, I rapidly scrambled my 'omelette' which consisted of:
3 x egg whites - whisked into 50 ml of fat free milk and seasoned with salt and pepper to taste.
I sauteed some spinach, onions, shrooms, feta cheese and rosa tomatoes in a pan. To add to the flavour of my vegetables, I seasoned them with: cumin, medium curry powder, almond flakes and two pinches of brown sugar. I also decided to squeeze onto my vegetables, some fresh lemon juice and added 2.5 ml of soya sauce to enhance sweet 'n sour balance of the dish.

I cupped my stir-fried eggs in a small ramekin (a small, round dish - usually used for baking creme brulee), popped it onto my plate and it was ready to serve. As indicated in the image above, I served this dish with a miniature Greek salad and a dollop of chilli/mayonnaise.

It was pleasing to see that my hypothetical child would not have starved; as the meal was well-received, even though the guest in waiting had anticipated the reception of an egg-white omelette.

In essence, when you f*ck up in life, you need to come up with an alternative plan for survival.

 I would like to leave you with the message of  freedom:

Be free within the soul
The one that carries you to death.
Be free within your creative mind
Be free even when you are in debt
To another, to yourself
You are the only one who may know
What freedom lies beneath your beauty
The depths to which you will grow. 

Best Love,
Khaleesi Ipeleng x

P.S. Happy Hump-Day :)