Thursday, 10 July 2014


The year 2010 marked the birth of a revolutionary concept, now globally known as, Jamie Oliver ́s 
Food Revolution. This is a campaign which is determined to rectify the rapidly increasing rate 
of obesity around the world, with its point of entry being, The United States of America. For 
centuries, obesity has been an underlying death threat of many nations. Could this be due to a lack 
in nutritional value, when it comes to our daily intake of food; or has the ever-growing façade, that 
is the  ́fast-food ́ industry, conditioned us to believe that eating on-the-go is a more convenient 
lifestyle choice; thus allowing for most populations to become heavily reliant on the unhealthy supply that is readily available for consumption. 

The purpose of a revolution of any kind, is to tap into the already tainted mind-set of the individuals 
in question in an attempt to introduce them to an alternative way of thinking.  ́For thousands of 
years, obesity was rarely seen. It was not until the 20th century that it became common, so-much-so, that in 1997 the World Health Organisation formally recognised obesity, as a global epidemic. ́ 
- John of reading, in Epidemiology of Obesity, May 2014. The aim of the revolution is to target 
school children and educate them about what they are eating and how it helps them to grow. Not 
only is this a form of highly necessary educational fibre for the youths of societies, but it is also an 
interactive form of helping those in need, by allowing for them to be a part of the process of change. 

The world renowned English Chef, Jamie Oliver has simply created a platform for progression, which 
he initiated in 2010 (together with American television producer, Ryan Seacrest) through a series, 
broadcast from Huntington, West Virginia. It was statistically shown that this city was drowning in 
the depths of the dilemma that is obesity, more-so than any other city in the country, at the time. 
The second season of broadcasting extended the programme to Los Angeles, California, where it was 
apparent that many of the scholars were unable to identify the simplest of fruits and vegetables that 
were presented to them by the Celebrity Chef. Jamie Oliver then decided to take on the challenge of 
redirecting his energy in an attempt to teach children how to grow, maintain and prepare healthier 
foods; hoping that it will generate a deeper level of excitement within them, when it comes to their nutritional intake.

Africa is a continent that has for many years thrived on the structure of the female body being one 
of diverse curvature and vivacious compound. Many of its inhabitants believe that a fuller figure 
gives way to the fruitful bearing of children and it has been said many-a-time that a fuller figured 
woman is better enriched. The cultural mind-set has yet to be shifted and as one has it, luck be a 
lady – given that obesity has not yet trespassed over Sub-Saharan Africa, in the way that has, the rest of the world, namely: Mexico, The United States and The United Kingdom. Many people might wonder how they may play a role in this fight against disease (Obesity is a disease). Jamie Oliver has extended his efforts by allowing for regular members of different nations to become Ambassadors for his revolutionary cause. Every year, on the second Friday of May, these Ambassadors and many other interested parties, are granted the opportunity to partake in the widespread phenomenon, FOOD REVOLUTION DAY. This is a time where people come together to educate each other about healthier lifestyle choices, with regards to eating. 
It is predominantly aimed at educating children; thus allowing for them to become a part of the 
revolution as it happens. 

This year, the Ambassadors of the Gauteng Region organised a surprise 
for a group of children who live in Maboneng, Johannesburg, South Africa: a once forgotten district 
that is eloquently reviving the soul of the city. A group of aspiring chefs and lecturers, from Capsicum 
Culinary Studio, spent the day creating a light-hearted alternative to the child-friendly meal:  ́The Burger'. With the idea of playing  ́Secret Santa ́, in mind, the meal was tweaked, by making: a 
healthy ostrich burger, served with a delicious roast vegetable salad, drizzled in a light olive oil 
dressing. Ostrich meat is the most lean, least fatty, yet succulent form of red meat that can be found 
in the market. It was selected to show fellow food lovers that one may still enjoy the pleasures of 
eating this type of meal, without it having to be as unhealthy as one may find in the fast-food or 
other food production industries. With the idea of surprising these young children (aged 4 – 15), the 
packages were delivered to them on the eve of Food Revolution Day which was dated on May 16th, 2014. 

There are few better feelings that trump that of, seeing joy being brought to another person ́s 
life. It is not often that one is able to hear happiness, but this day was filled with many smiles and 
even more inquisitive minds. The bustling energy of the childrens’ happiness filled the street with 
the light that is Maboneng. I was thrilled to be enthusiastically approached by one of the young 
girls who inquisitively asked:  ́Chef, what is inside our food packages?  ́. This moment solidified the 
purpose of the day: to stimulate curious minds. To make children excited about their food again and 
to educate them about what they are putting into their bodies. I believe that this campaign will be as successful as it is inspirational and the continuance of its progressive nature will allow for the healing of many broken civilisations. To generate awareness relating to leading an alternative lifestyle is a daunting task that we are so grateful to be a part of. 

The more we speak freely of these struggles, the more fluid we will become in resolving their 
burdens. The Ambassador input has reached over 200 activists (and counting) residing in more than 
60 countries worldwide. A healthy body begets a healthy mind and this is the ultimate dream. 
To live well is to eat well and to eat well is to choose well. The revolution has yet to begin! Let us keep 
humanity a-float by consciously considering the ideals that pertain towards the longevity of our existence. 
In this way, we will make for a world that is a better living space.

Best Love,
Khaleesi x

P.S. A special thank you to: Capsicum Culinary Studio (Sunninghill, Johannesburg, South Africa), Stephanie O'Conner and Motheo Moeng

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Beautiful Love Song!

Happy Hump Day, mes amis!

Best Love,
Khaleesi x

P.S. May you always believe in your ability to make love. - Ipeleng Motuba.

(Mykonos, Greece)

The past three months have left me in a submissive head-space; which has somewhat diffused my will to write. Submission is something that is often regarded as negative, due to the conditioned notion of the role being one of degradation. My subconscious has taken over my state of being and I am always grateful for these moments of silence; as they allow for my soul to revive its energy, propelling it to the extremes of constant reflection. My consciousness, in turn, has matured so-much-so, that in its submission, it has allowed for my soul to attract that which I am: grace, love and a state of harmonious equilibrium. This has been evident in the relationships that I am submerged in; as well as, those I am now able to value from a greater distance. 

It is in my belief that one should never force oneself to fulfil a role that one is not destined to play. I have been fasting for Ramadaan and praying continuously - as one should be doing - which has allowed for me to remember my sense of inner strength, peace and love. I am reminded daily of my purpose in this world, which is: to inspire through my culinary artistry, to enlighten through my spiritual connections and to uphold a sense of duty through written stimulation. It is due to these pillars of my existence, that I am able to regenerate my faith in others everyday. A dear friend of mine recently told me that her purpose in this world, is to love. In exchange, I reflected on my own will to love and in so-doing, uncovered some miserable discoveries about people who I once believed in. I had the opportunity to dive into intense discussions of why? how? when?, but I decided that it is best to understand that deceit is a dark trait that everybody explores at one point or another. In allowing for the nature of another person's actions to depict the follow through of mine, I would be going against my strong determination to always forgive and take the Karmic experience as one of true learning. 

It is our duty as neighbours to always encourage each other to be better in this life and the next. Without each other, we are mere idles of solitude and to exist alone is no man's dream. As I am reaching my mid-20's, I am feeling constantly challenged by my ideals of love, passion, faith and desire. Love and passion, play a more integral role in my discoveries, for I am at a point in my life, whereby: my happiness deserves to be shared with a counterpart, who is willing and worthy of exploring it, in its full capacity. As the saying goes, "Everything happens in Allah's time." and until he is ready to present me with more reward(s), I will continue to achieve a higher sense of being; in the hopes of stimulating an ever-lasting sense of the revolving evolution of self and selves-alike. I am questioning my past and taking the answers with me into my future; whilst remembering to live in my present. Lovers and friends have dropped like flies and I am ecstatic that there are fewer and farther between, for the ones who are with me today, are the ones who I have always cherished the most. The ones who I have yet to meet, as I move forward, are the ones who will be most likely to enlighten me further and there are few better feelings than the excitement of being inspired by fresh souls. 

I am looking forward to transferring to the other side - where this may be? - is a question that I ask myself daily. I see the answer in my dreamworld - my favourite place, where the mysteries are plentiful and doubt, an unfamiliar face. Day-by-day I am falling more in love with this period of growth; for only the strongest of people are able to walk through it with a sense of vigor and an attitude of perseverance. To stand firm in your ever-changing nature is something that is not readily accessible to most of us and in making more of an effort to become brighter with the break of each dawn, we can only be successful in our every endeavour.

So with all that is said and done, always remember to fulfill the destiny of the dreamer within you; for without our dreams, we are bottomless vessels, floating unnaturally through this beautiful journey of life.

Have the Best Day Ever!

Khaleesi Ipeleng of the *Universe* x

P.S. 'Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time.' - Angel, Maya Angelou.