Monday, 28 September 2015


One of the most daunting ideas about being a chef is maintaining the balance between great food production and great presentation of such food production.

I am happy that my journey started out at such a high level and I feel privileged to have trained under the stringent guidance of my all-round inspiration known as David Higgs

Every time I think about my career choices and expectations of my self-preservation, my mind travels to moments spent with Chef David and the ways in which he would aim to push me. I often reminisce on his strong will and think about the ways in which he would analyse my career going forward. To me, this is power. This is the kind of excellence that I strive to achieve and I salute him and his team of successors for their contribution towards my becoming the best culinary artist to ever exist.

Seared salmon served with artichoke hearts (prepared in a napoletana sauce) and some steamed 

Khaleesi Ipel of the *UNIVERSE*

P.S. Life is always more exciting when you believe in the things that others do not. - Ipeleng Motuba.

Loveless Hurt.

I am hurt, because those who love are proving to be incapable.
I am hurt, because those who taught me to love have become enslaved by the power of deceit.
I choose not to hurt because they are the ones who allowed for me to become strong and
with that I am free of the inhibitions of guilt.

With that I am free of the despair that leaves me darkened in the presence of their souls.
I am here for eternity for I know now what I did not know before,
In the words of my heart, I choose to soar high and
to the ones that choose to hurt me, I choose to leave behind.

The hurt within the disconnect will forever remain unashamed,
For the hurt that you have brought into my soul is no longer the cause or blame.
Of the way, in which I choose to be.
No longer a part of your soul
And when the time comes that you reflect on your conduct,
Your time will be of mold.

Bon Lundi mes amis
Khaleesi x

P.S. "One day, the people that did not believe in you will tell everyone how they met you." - Johnny Depp.

Friday, 18 September 2015

I Have To Celebrate You Baby!

There are few better feelings than the feeling of progression. An expression recently came to mind and that is: 'He who knows not how to break through the laws of love, knows only the law of a loveless life.' - Ipeleng Motuba. 

It is so important for us to hone our skills of loving ourselves and the people by whom we choose to surround ourselves with. To maturely accept the criticisms that those who love us, have to offer - without absorbing their words as an attack, rather understanding the ways in which they hope to influence our own progression in life. 

There is never a good time to have your feelings hurt by a loved one, but there is always a good time to forgive within the hurt and to heal together in a way that allows for the refreshment of the existing love. Whether it be the love and hurt between friends, families or partners, there is always a period through which we are bound to heal, for the power of hurt is merely a by-product of the power of love and without that love, there would be no hurt to explore in the first place. There is always a time to remember the ways in which we express our sense of despair towards one another and a time in which we should reflect on the expressions that are exchanged.

How is it that we are so hastily disturbed by another person's truth? Is it due to the fact that we are conditioned to believe only in the wrongdoings of another being; therefore, we should always remember them in that burdened light? Or should we rather subject ourselves to the ideals of spiritual reform which allow for us to deflect these wrongdoings in a manner that is peaceful and all-encompassing of the ways in which we wish to rectify the defiance of one soul to another? The latter, being the harder condition to follow always ends up being the most rewarding and there is no better way to inform ourselves of being true to our sense of well-being than allowing for the spirit, the heart, the breath and the love to guide us towards our ultimate destination of self. 

Thank you for being a part of my journey and for always helping me to look forward to the fulfilment of what lies ahead.

Have a beautiful weekend and remember to always strive for the kind of love that allows for the expansion of the soul.

Khaleesi x

P.S. "'He who knows not how to break through the laws of love, knows only the law of a loveless life.'

Monday, 14 September 2015


Cajun Chicken Strips Served On A Bed Of Sun-dried Tomato Roasted Potatoes and a Fresh Pineapple Sauce. 

Today is one of those days of reflection whereby, I have been encouraged by the ideals of my subconscious to always believe in my worth as an individual. It was at the beginning of 2013, when I was stunned to find myself walking through the corridors of a place that I used to call, 'One of my other homes', Capsicum Culinary Studio. 

When I was eighteen years old (fearing that I would fail my Matric year - because that was a high expectation of some of the people around me), I spoke to my, now angel-Mother, who encouraged me to always strive to become someone who is in love with what they do. A global ambassador of self-actualisation who is: constantly pushing the boundaries of her potential. One who never gives up on her dreams to thrive. She always told me that it would be in my best interests to find a job that would allow for me to see the world and engage people from all corners of our planet, in a manner that is: cautious, loving and all-encompassing of the energy that I wish to attract. 

It was then that I decided that I would love to immerse myself in a career that allows for me to experience all of the above-mentioned aspects of being alive. Due to fortunate/unfortunate circumstances, my plans to head out into the world were put on hold for five years after I successfully completed high-school; as I rather agreed to attempt to pursue a career in Law. I am highly interested in the Laws of our nations and as I grow older, I realise that there is so much time to still pursue anything that I choose to. This is one of the best qualities of time - you are the only one who can manage what it is that you do with it. To own your time is a self-inflicted privilege that I believe many of us are daunted to engage with. With this in mind, I also understand that perhaps the timing in which I chose to take on my studies of legal chemistry was premature (in the sense that I was not yet ready to explore a career that dissatisfies my yearning to lead a semi-nomadic lifestyle) - A life where I am able to paint the world with a talent that has been bestowed upon me through the grace of the Universe. When I am ready, of course, I will complete my other degree, but right now is the only time that matters to me and I feel honoured to be so deeply in love with what I do. 

After many years of trying to get through Law School (whilst working as a Chef during my spare time), I was able to convince my creators that: allowing for me to enroll at an institution that accredits one with an International ability to take over the culinary industry, anywhere in the world, would be more beneficial to my ambitions in becoming the best Culinary Artist to ever exist; than trying to make a name for myself by working as a chef on the side.

A dear family friend of mine, Mr Itumeleng Morule, came to eat at a restaurant that I was working at, just off of Jan Smuts Avenue in Johannesburg, South Africa. I remember how impressed the kitchen staff would be, owing to my bringing in a new customer to the restaurant, everyday - I must give thanks to my folks for having a wide network of friends who decided to fornicate and reproduce at least three times a pair - for it is their reproductive nature that has enabled my knowing of a lot of people. 

My very talented head chef at the time, Chef Maureen, allowed for me to prepare his (Itumeleng's) meal for him without the assistance of any other member of our team. I walked up to him, with his special dish in hand and all I said is: "Za-tuum, if this meal is the one, please wait until after my shift and  help me to convince my father that I was born to be a chef?". Tumi, as he is so lovingly known, is a man who has such charisma, that he could persuade the devil to play with fire. My father was not only impressed by his raving words of the 'Orrichiete Pasta' that I made him, but he could see with what dedication and passion I was putting into my work. The hours of cheffing are so intense, that they could almost put those of new parents to shame. At the time, I was averaging 12 - 17 hour shifts, five days a week. 

Today, as I sit here and look at this plate that I created from a 'mystery basket' task that we were challenged with in week three of Culinary School.I feel so proud to have a father who opened his mind up to my dream. I feel blessed to have been born from a mother who taught me to always fight for my freedom. I am so lucky to have the many brothers and sisters that I do - who are continually giving me the go ahead to continue to do what I love. I mean, these are the people who I have been surrounded by, my whole life. They are the most hardcore, super-disciplined academics who inspire me to grow into a better person, everyday. They are artists of intellect, success, respect and most importantly, self-love. With them by my side and with my vision in sight, I know that doing is believing and that dreaming is forever.

I want to thank you all - my sisters, my friends, my family-friends (who provide me with such a strong system of consistent love and support) and most importantly, my amazing mothers and fathers (all 20+ of them).
Without you, there would be no me and without me, there would be a lack of fulfillment in my dreams.

I wish you all the best love that you can fathom, from the depths of my heart.

Khaleesi of the *Universe* x

P.S. "Only playas go on blind dates." - Mogwanti.

L'Amour S'emporte!

Khaleesi Ipel x
The Love Below.

When we consider our expectations within the bonds that are created in a loving relationship, what is it that we really expect to achieve? When it comes to the love shared between blood relations, we are forced into a state of co-habitation that allows for us to experience each other from the time that we are born into the same families; thus allowing for us to engage each other in the same space for long periods of time, with no escape. When one reflects on the ideals of learning to love a person who is undoubtedly a stranger to the soul, then the complexities that arise within that learning seem to appear more and more as time continues to allow for us to explore each other in every possible light that we find ourselves in darkness. 

The key element to the recovery of the pain that exists within a loving relationship is to allow for the other person to always express themselves from the point of anger, to the point of success. From the conception of sadness to the revelation of elation. What is it that you are willing to fight for and/or against once you have recognised another soul's entrapment of your own. The subconscious understanding of fear met with the denial that one person could love you so much in the sense that he/she is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice; in the hopes of preserving such a love, is something that I believe we are always submissive to (the fear, that is.). We are often taught that for every action there is a reaction, but we are not taught that this is a revolving occurrence that can lead us into a state of despair; followed by the renewal of something that was initially meant to be.

The vows of marriage read that we should love each other: In sickness and in health. In good times and in bad. For better or for worse. If we primarily allow for ourselves to adhere to these vows when it comes to the point of a union blessed by the Gods, then how can we really prepare for them in the times that lead up to this point in a loving relationship with a stranger. We need to keep ourselves aligned with these vows in relationships that we create for ourselves in order to have the ability to take them in our stride when the time comes that we have believed in the love that we all wish to indulge in, from one lifetime to the next. With that one person that we believe to be "The One" - for us. 

My mother once wrote a love letter to my father and the climax of this letter read that: "The quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love.". This is one of the most essential statements of love because, to me, it portrays the desire for us to constantly fall in love with the one that we have chosen to love. It is a choice to allow yourself to be in love with another person, it is not easy, because we, as human beings, believe that we must suffer in times of happiness due to the fact that we are conditioned to overcomes trials and tribulations. The beauty of it all is that when you are truly committed to someone and they are truly committed to you, you will find a way to overcome the levels of discomfort that are brought about in moments of angst towards one another. This is what the idealistic nature of love ought to be. A fight for the chosen one. A fight for the outcome of the bigger picture. A fight towards the growth of your union and a fight towards the undying bond that you wish to explore.

When you look into the eyes of the one you love, do you recognise the soul that is looking back at you? Until the day that we feel that we have the burning desire to look into the depths of the soul of another, we should continue to love beyond the pain and allow for ourselves to reach a higher power that is cultivated from within our hearts. 

This is the ultimate purpose of love. 
The love below, that allows for the resurfacing of the love above.

To my love. To my chosen soul. To the one for me. - 
Believe in me, believe in thee, believe in an everlasting us.

Gros Bisous,
Khaleesi of the *UNIVERSE*

P.S. "The quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love." - Jean Racine.