Friday, 18 September 2015

I Have To Celebrate You Baby!

There are few better feelings than the feeling of progression. An expression recently came to mind and that is: 'He who knows not how to break through the laws of love, knows only the law of a loveless life.' - Ipeleng Motuba. 

It is so important for us to hone our skills of loving ourselves and the people by whom we choose to surround ourselves with. To maturely accept the criticisms that those who love us, have to offer - without absorbing their words as an attack, rather understanding the ways in which they hope to influence our own progression in life. 

There is never a good time to have your feelings hurt by a loved one, but there is always a good time to forgive within the hurt and to heal together in a way that allows for the refreshment of the existing love. Whether it be the love and hurt between friends, families or partners, there is always a period through which we are bound to heal, for the power of hurt is merely a by-product of the power of love and without that love, there would be no hurt to explore in the first place. There is always a time to remember the ways in which we express our sense of despair towards one another and a time in which we should reflect on the expressions that are exchanged.

How is it that we are so hastily disturbed by another person's truth? Is it due to the fact that we are conditioned to believe only in the wrongdoings of another being; therefore, we should always remember them in that burdened light? Or should we rather subject ourselves to the ideals of spiritual reform which allow for us to deflect these wrongdoings in a manner that is peaceful and all-encompassing of the ways in which we wish to rectify the defiance of one soul to another? The latter, being the harder condition to follow always ends up being the most rewarding and there is no better way to inform ourselves of being true to our sense of well-being than allowing for the spirit, the heart, the breath and the love to guide us towards our ultimate destination of self. 

Thank you for being a part of my journey and for always helping me to look forward to the fulfilment of what lies ahead.

Have a beautiful weekend and remember to always strive for the kind of love that allows for the expansion of the soul.

Khaleesi x

P.S. "'He who knows not how to break through the laws of love, knows only the law of a loveless life.'

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