Tuesday, 31 January 2012


You will need half an avocado, some mozzarella cheese, four Rosa tomatoes, two shrooms.
You will also need some coriander, baby lettuce and a pinch of salt, black pepper and brown sugar.
Lastly, you will need some balsamic vinegar.

Step 1:

Chop up your ingredients

Step 2:

Thinly slice some mozzarella as well as a handful of baby lettuce and arrange it onto your plate

Step 3:

Place your Rosa tomatoes and torn coriander into a bowl. 
Grate in some fresh ginger and add a pinch of salt, black pepper and brown sugar into the bowl.
Add in some balsamic vinegar.
Mix thoroughly.

Step 4:

Arrange your shrooms and avocado (optional) according to your mozzarella

For those of you who do not enjoy avocado (BIZZARE), you may replace this ingredient with some fresh cucumber :)

Step 5:

Using your hand, evenly spread your Rosa tomato mixture onto your salad.

You may eat this salad plain or you may add a light dressing as I did.

Unfortunately, I cannot reveal the recipe for this home-made dressing as it is the recipe of one of my favourite people in the Universe, Christelle Veringa.

Bon Appetit.
Queen Ipel of the *UNIVERSE*/ GlassTableGirl x

P.S. Fly Away!

Monday, 30 January 2012

15th Bang! WHAT A CHAMP



Bananas are extremely good for one's health. They are rich in potassium. Potassium is an essential mineral which helps to prevent high blood pressure and heart disease. I only started eating bananas about... One month ago. BETTER LATE THAN NEVS!


Queen Ipel of the *UNIVERSE*/ GlassTableGirl x


1 x bowl of Kellogg's Special K with some fat free milk!


You will need 1 can of tuna, 3 green beans and 1/2 an onion and 1/2 a tomato and a semi-circle of feta cheese (3 cubes)

Chop up your green pepper and dice your onion and tomato.

 Empty out your tuna into a bowl

Add your chopped veggies and crumb some feta into your bowl

Add in a drop or two of olive oil and one spoon of mayonnaise et VOILA!

Keep Eating!
Queen Ipel of the *UNIVERSE*/ GlassTableGirl x
The Birds and the Bees

Wata Gwan!

I have come to the realisation, of late, exactly how much emphasis people place on making love. Sex, f*%king, intercourse, boning, screwing, oral, fornication. So many words to describe this one act, which is primarily purposed for the concept of reproduction. Did you know that dolphins and human beings are the only two of the mammal species who perform the act of sex on a pleasurable basis?

What I would like to understand, is, what is the big deal? Sure you have those who practise according to their cultural, spiritual or religious beliefs, but do the rest of you who appear loose or easy practise this easy-going nature, feeling the guilt that the world places on free loving?

I find it hilarious when people hear of others being virgins... The look of constant surprise, never fails to amuse me. There is something about the eyes of a person that just say 'shame'. What is it exactly that the other is 'missing out' on though and is it possible to relive your virginal years without claiming to be a 'BORN-AGAIN'. Why do we not just call it an attempt of sexual reform, because let us face it, most sexually active people do not turn celibate for the just of it. In my observation, it has generally been prompted by a personal experience or a form of one trying to redefine oneself?

People often feel pressurised to engage in sexual acts and once your clothes are off, once there is a slipped entry, there is no turning back. Whether it be for the good or bad. This is one of those concepts that has a fifty-fifty chance of working out. When it is good, it is really good and when it is bad, it is completely shameful right? That's what I hear on the streets anyway, so all I would like to express to you and to myself is BE SURE!

Either which way one looks at it, sex is a part of our behavioural pattern. One thing that is not, is greed. As in the context of money, people have become greedy when it comes to sexual encounters, are some folk unaware of the detriments this type of greed has to their health and protection of person. Nobody wants to marry a slut right? MALE OR FEMALE! We need to exemplify a need for a healthier sexual appetite, by being one hundred percent connected with each other in all spheres of life.

Let us engage more with the subject. Always teach the babies about making love. Not only about the colours of the rainbow because at the end of the day, we have brought and have yet to bring them into this world and they too will want to do the same for someone else. Make sure that they do it right... AS RIGHT AS POSSIBLE.

Bisous toujours,
Queen Ipel of the *UNIVERSE*/ GlassTableGirl x

P.S. Jah bless :)

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

13th BANG!


The internet is a great source, when looking for raw foods. Herewith is a watermelon and feta salad, garnished with some fresh mint leaves. So many simple food concepts to fill up your days.


Bisous toujours,
Queen Ipel of the *UNIVERSE*/ GlassTableGirl x

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

12th BANG!

If you're feeling the heat of having to prepare your own raw meals, pop into MOTHERLAND COFFEE COMPANY at The Mall of Rosebank, next to The FIRS.

There are great varieties of delicious salads that are available for R30+

Queen Ipel of the *UNIVERSE*/ GlassTableGirl x

P.S. Keep it locked up and tight!

Monday, 23 January 2012

Blue MONdane

Hola chicos!

I'm not quite sure what it is about the second day of the week (Monday)? I have decided that this day is actually one of  my lesser favourite of the week. I find myself constantly at battlefields with the idea of even waking up.

Today has had me thinking about the way in which we relate to the ideas of time. I believe that if mankind did not invent the concept of time, then we would not be subjected to the conditioned thinking of, 'Oh crap, it's Monday'.

Some people cannot relate to some of my analogies and I'm sure this one is no different. I strongly believe that if there were no concept of time, then the pressures of this world would be much less than they are today. I am almost certain that there too, would be more peace around us. People would not constantly be stressed by the continuous restrictions of time?

Let us consider the simple example of education. Why is there so much pressure on the age at which one finishes or starts school? Is it not the importance of knowledge which counts at the end of a hard day's work? Imagine a 35 year old man, who is in Grade 8... Would it be the worst thing in the world if there were no idea of knowing that he is 'too old' for his level? I have seen many a champion succeed 'out of their time' and I have seen many a champion beat the system in completing a qualification on par with the standards of society. At the end of it all, what does it matter and who is the truest of champions out of the two. The one who wants to conquer the time-line of education or the one who is in it for its sole purpose of enrichment...

Would we know what it is to be late... Would couples fight about the time in which they were supposed to meet... Would children feel inferior to those who are 'ahead' of them in life?

Does the person who reaches the finish line first, lead a better life? Or are they merely more highly congratulated by their community?

I think that if there were no concept of time, we would be more in tune with nature. Imagine a world where your time is dependant on the rising and setting of the sun... By the shifting of the moon's position... By the level of the ocean's soul? I can imagine nothing better today. SERENITY!

So many people feel imprisoned by the hours of the working day and you will find that a lot of them are least productive between the hours of 11h00 and 15h45.. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but this is based on my personal observation of my friends and acquaintances. In my opinion, this is because people have different optimal levels of operation. Why do the hours of the corporate world not start from 13h00 until 21h00. Would YOU be happier?

Anyway, with that thought expressed, I would like to know your opinion. Please feel free to post a comment or email your feedback to queenipel@gmail.com.

In the interim, never allow your time to be dictated by others. Especially if it depreciates your soul's happiness.

Bisous tous les jours,
Queen Ipel of the *UNIVERSE/ GlassTableGirl x

P.S. The happiest live longest :)

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

11th BANG!

Honeybee Salad


1/2 a raw potato
1/2 a raw carrot
A handful of shredded cabbage
Feta cheese
Balsamic Vinegar
1/2 a tomato
1 piece of cold meat (Preferably chicken or fish)

Step 1:

Grate your potato and carrot onto  your plate

Step 2:

Dice your tomato and crumb some feta cheese onto your plate

Step 3:

Add a piece of cold meat (in this case chicken) to your dish and serve around it, some shredded raw cabbage

Step 4:

Drizzle your dish with some balsamic vinegar, mayonnaise and a touch of honey to add some flavour

Bon Appetit!
Queen Ipel of the *UNIVERSE*/ GlassTableGirl x

Tuesday, 17 January 2012


To add flare to your L'atchroom salad, you may grate half a raw potato and half a raw carrot into your salad :)


Queen Ipel of the *UNIVERSE*/ GlassTableGirl x

P.S. 'Number Three is for me!'

10th BANG!



1/2 an Onion
1 Tomato
3 Mushrooms

Step 1:

Julienne your onion, dice your tomato and chop up your three mushrooms. Place them in a serving bowl.

Step 2:

Crumb some feta cheese into your bowl of ingredients


Step 3:

Add two tablespoons of atchaar to one-and-a-half tablespoons of mayonnaise to your bowl

Step 4:

Mix thoroughly
and garnish with a fresh shred of basil


Queen Ipel of the *UNIVERSE*/ GlassTableGirl x

P.S. Embrace hard work!

Monday, 16 January 2012

9th BANG!

Ensalada de l'Atun
I am trying out a semi-raw food diet, which I have adapted according to my personal strength. I hope that you will try and join me at least one of these weeks, for an absolute system cleanse.


1 can of Tuna

1 Tomato
Baby lettuce
Balsamic Vinegar
Olive oil
Black pepper
1 Avocado (optional)
Lemon juice

Step 1:

Drain your tuna, and empty it out immediately onto a chopping board  

Dice one fresh tomato and chop up some avocado(optional)

Step 2:

Mix all of your ingredients into a bowl and sprinkle with some black pepper, rosemary and drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice


Step 3:

Add in some torn lettuce, basil, crumbed feta, two tablespoons of mayonnaise and finish off with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar.

Step 4 :

Mix all of your ingredients together, thouroughly, to enhance the 'tossed' effect of your salad et VOILA!

Bon Appetit!
Queen Ipel of the *UNIVERSE*/ GlassTableGirl x
Time For Some Action

Bon Annee mes amis!

Do you ever feel that there are certain aspects of your life that you need to focus more of your energy towards? It is interesting to see how over the past year or so,  people have affiliated themselves with the ideas of different energies around us. The idea of spiritualism has even allowed for some of us to believe that we are in fact the ENERGY GURUS of today's universe. Is it a sense of fear? Is it a commercialised way of thinking or is it a lack of the true understanding of ones spirituality?

People are out there to win, are we not? Everybody wants to be NUMERO UNO. Everyone wants to be THE ONE! I often find that there are so many of us who are willing to sacrifice or compromise so much of self, in order to get there; though we cannot ascertain exactly where 'there' is. I feel that a lot of us are living in a time of astronomical emotional turmoil. There has been somewhat of a large shift in the mentality of man. GREED is our number one problem. In the biblical book of Revelations, it is expressed that mankind thinks that he is superior to any other species. It is further expressed that although man is, for now, at the top of our food chain, his reign will not be everlasting. That God will bring about this world of ours, disease-upon-disease which man will not be able to overcome, thus killing us off the face of the earth. THIS is something we should fear; OUR OWN SUPERIORITY-Or lack thereof?

I am one who is very much for the people and about the people. The question we need to address to ourselves, is 'Are the people for us?'

This is the small thought  I would like to leave you with: Will the people who you allow into your bubble, be the ones who carry you in theirs?

Bisous tous les jours
Queen Ipel of the *Universe*/ GlassTableGirl x