Monday, 16 January 2012

Time For Some Action

Bon Annee mes amis!

Do you ever feel that there are certain aspects of your life that you need to focus more of your energy towards? It is interesting to see how over the past year or so,  people have affiliated themselves with the ideas of different energies around us. The idea of spiritualism has even allowed for some of us to believe that we are in fact the ENERGY GURUS of today's universe. Is it a sense of fear? Is it a commercialised way of thinking or is it a lack of the true understanding of ones spirituality?

People are out there to win, are we not? Everybody wants to be NUMERO UNO. Everyone wants to be THE ONE! I often find that there are so many of us who are willing to sacrifice or compromise so much of self, in order to get there; though we cannot ascertain exactly where 'there' is. I feel that a lot of us are living in a time of astronomical emotional turmoil. There has been somewhat of a large shift in the mentality of man. GREED is our number one problem. In the biblical book of Revelations, it is expressed that mankind thinks that he is superior to any other species. It is further expressed that although man is, for now, at the top of our food chain, his reign will not be everlasting. That God will bring about this world of ours, disease-upon-disease which man will not be able to overcome, thus killing us off the face of the earth. THIS is something we should fear; OUR OWN SUPERIORITY-Or lack thereof?

I am one who is very much for the people and about the people. The question we need to address to ourselves, is 'Are the people for us?'

This is the small thought  I would like to leave you with: Will the people who you allow into your bubble, be the ones who carry you in theirs?

Bisous tous les jours
Queen Ipel of the *Universe*/ GlassTableGirl x


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