Monday, 30 January 2012

The Birds and the Bees

Wata Gwan!

I have come to the realisation, of late, exactly how much emphasis people place on making love. Sex, f*%king, intercourse, boning, screwing, oral, fornication. So many words to describe this one act, which is primarily purposed for the concept of reproduction. Did you know that dolphins and human beings are the only two of the mammal species who perform the act of sex on a pleasurable basis?

What I would like to understand, is, what is the big deal? Sure you have those who practise according to their cultural, spiritual or religious beliefs, but do the rest of you who appear loose or easy practise this easy-going nature, feeling the guilt that the world places on free loving?

I find it hilarious when people hear of others being virgins... The look of constant surprise, never fails to amuse me. There is something about the eyes of a person that just say 'shame'. What is it exactly that the other is 'missing out' on though and is it possible to relive your virginal years without claiming to be a 'BORN-AGAIN'. Why do we not just call it an attempt of sexual reform, because let us face it, most sexually active people do not turn celibate for the just of it. In my observation, it has generally been prompted by a personal experience or a form of one trying to redefine oneself?

People often feel pressurised to engage in sexual acts and once your clothes are off, once there is a slipped entry, there is no turning back. Whether it be for the good or bad. This is one of those concepts that has a fifty-fifty chance of working out. When it is good, it is really good and when it is bad, it is completely shameful right? That's what I hear on the streets anyway, so all I would like to express to you and to myself is BE SURE!

Either which way one looks at it, sex is a part of our behavioural pattern. One thing that is not, is greed. As in the context of money, people have become greedy when it comes to sexual encounters, are some folk unaware of the detriments this type of greed has to their health and protection of person. Nobody wants to marry a slut right? MALE OR FEMALE! We need to exemplify a need for a healthier sexual appetite, by being one hundred percent connected with each other in all spheres of life.

Let us engage more with the subject. Always teach the babies about making love. Not only about the colours of the rainbow because at the end of the day, we have brought and have yet to bring them into this world and they too will want to do the same for someone else. Make sure that they do it right... AS RIGHT AS POSSIBLE.

Bisous toujours,
Queen Ipel of the *UNIVERSE*/ GlassTableGirl x

P.S. Jah bless :)

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