Tuesday, 4 November 2014
- Master Khumo Ndlovu.
I find it highly fascinating, whenever I come across people whose success is aligned with my deepest desires. In this life and the ones to follow, I pledge for us to consistently adhere to the calling of our nature. In light of doing-so, we should always attempt to carry those surrounding us, towards greater heights, wherever we can.
A few months ago, I found myself thrust into my dream job, under the strong guidance of a man whom I knew very little about. I was amazed to learn of my Head Chef, David Higgs and his abundance of success as a world-class chef. The Namibian raised philanthropist, reminisces on the ideals of sharing family meals and indulging in the art of fishing as a young scholar - amidst a brief sit-down I had, with the country's number one. His love for imparting knowledge on others is evident in his educational techniques; which require: great attention to clarity, immense strength and a hint of militant precision.
I believe that the most powerful of people have a calming ability to silence a room with their presence. This is the inspirational respect that I have witnessed upon working under the strong guidance of Chef David Higgs. The ways in which he leads a team and specifically the one in our kitchen, is admirable in its own light and it no longer comes to me, as a surprise, that he has achieved grandeur status, within his career as a Culinary Artist. The Food Cycle is a foundation which he initiated through his love for uplifting the community and his spirit of 'togetherness'. It is the epitome of the balance between nutrition, physical activity and the acquisition of knowledge in all forms.
"Superman" - A core fitness technique being demonstrated by super-cyclist, Tshepo Nyrenda.
Food Cycle is aimed at coordinating the rehabilitation of previously and currently disadvantaged children; by means of redirecting their energy towards the activity of cycling and creating a hub through which they can gain access to their nutritional well-being and its maintenance herewith.

Anyone who believes in saving the children, is to be commended for the thought alone. It is of grave importance that we begin to open our minds up to the social dynamics of our societies as a whole. The type of education that one can gain through food education paired with the implementation of nutritional small-scale farming, will benefit our successors in the days to come. It makes me ecstatic to know that there are individuals, near and far who are confidently exploring the ultimate dream, to eradicate hunger. This is why I am in love with what I do, because every other day, I am propelled towards the true purpose of my existence. A healthy body begets a healthy mind and this, is the outstanding goal.
Together with my fellow colleagues, Tshepo (left) and Tendani (right), Chef David is pushing the envelope of interaction, in the hopes of making significant changes to the lives of surviving individuals in our community. We ought to give thanks for: the opportunities that we are presented with daily, our abilities to have a deeper understanding for our sense of purity and in our yearning to enlighten others to thrive in their own right.
Thank you for the inspiration. May the enrichment of your efforts, bear fruit atop the exploration of self and selves-alike.
Khaleesi Ipeleng x
P.S. Keep Eating... For Life!
Saturday, 6 September 2014
This song is the one! Listen to that drum... This is the Skateboard P that I know.
The flow of his rhythm paired with the synchronisation of the rah-tah-tah of the snap-drum in the background places a thrifty melodic tune on the ear.
Thank you for the music!
Khaleesi x
P.S. " 'Banging on that ass like Orangutan...' "
Monday, 18 August 2014
One of the reasons why I love travelling, is because of all the great food that I am allowed to explore across the world. It is so important to experience as much of different environment as possible and considering my line of work, I am always keen to try out new restaurants, local street food and other-such indulgences of different nations. Sometime, a week or so ago, I was privileged to meet a beautiful woman from Rotterdam, in the Netherlands, named Yootha.
"It was love, at firrrrrst sight."
"It was love, at firrrrrst sight."
Thanks to a common friend, we were set up on what appears to be the only 'blind date' that I have ever enjoyed... Not that I have been on many, because 'only playas go on blind dates' ;)
With that said, I was so excited to meet this great spirit and she happened to introduce me to one of the best luncheon spots that I have ever been to:
'Bagel Bakery and Burgers',
is a quaint restaurant, situated on the most popular, 'Witte De WithStraat'. This is the contemporary hub of the city; as the street is filled with a romantic atmosphere and happy individuals who are excited to be a part of life's process.
When last did you see a bagel dressed so well?
is a quaint restaurant, situated on the most popular, 'Witte De WithStraat'. This is the contemporary hub of the city; as the street is filled with a romantic atmosphere and happy individuals who are excited to be a part of life's process.
When last did you see a bagel dressed so well?
This is a home-made bagel with: hummus, roasted: baby marrows, aubergine, peppers and tomato; topped with fresh onion, herbs and a drizzle of: olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
What a dream meal!
Met vriendelijke groete,
Khaleesi Ipeleng x
P.S. Food is life... Life is Food!
"Don't you know you lost my love!"
Finnebassen is, a dirty, melancholic house music producer from Norway. An ambitious 25 year old artist, living the dream of creating his art. This song is super-chilled and contains enough energy to get your day started; without being overwhelming in its nature. It is titled: "You're not cool enough". Try to tune your ear into picking up the diversity of: sound, lyrics and the most incredible, mind-blowing bass.
Happy Monday to you all... Always remember that: PERSISTENCE BEATS RESISTANCE!
Khaleesi x
P.S. Open yourselves up to the fulfillment of your dreams :)
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
The World Is Not Enough.
This is a short story detailing the head-space of a nomadic gentleman.
It was whenever he went out into the Universe, that his mind and soul would expand in a way that one may only recognise; by exploring the many extensions of true personal freedom. The encouragement of his surroundings aided profusely to his motivation to propel. At times, he would feel this experience to be slightly overwhelming. He soon understood that this was a calling for the consumption of some great food.
Out there, he was a gentle soul, with the magical ability to sense and differentiate between the different energies surrounding his every footstep. This, his true nature, was apparent to him at home... wherever he thought this to be... Somewhere in the Sun, he had always envisioned, but there was always something off-putting about the stagnancy of the lifestyle to which he had become accustomed to - 'back there'. The slow patter of his sneaker clicked to the rhythm of the bicycle's ring, believing himself to be acquainted with everything he felt drawn to, in the spirit of: love, inspiration and the survival of the soul's worth.
This must be how everybody lives where the grass illuminates an alternative green of life, he thought. Whilst walking through the Four-Am bustle, the young man became attuned to the conscious nature of the crowd around him. Every interaction and its counterpart of refraction was timely in sight and enlightening to the core. The words of his colleague resonated with the desires of his soul. To act with conviction and to place love as an open priority that enforces one to take on one's ultimate nature; honing it, into its true state of being.
Slowly, surely, he believes that we will get there. At a point in his life, he had recently lost interest in humanity or the lack thereof; so the route of exploring the World as a whole, became a prominent headline in his already matured life - insofar as, he wishes to exchange with a stupendous array of cultures across many nations that have yet to be touched. What may come is yet to be discovered, for what he knows now, he will know tomorrow and what he knows tomorrow is that he knew today.
Happy Hump-Day!
Best Love,
Khaleesi Ipeleng x
Thursday, 10 July 2014
The year 2010 marked the birth of a revolutionary concept, now globally known as, Jamie Oliver ́s
Food Revolution. This is a campaign which is determined to rectify the rapidly increasing rate
of obesity around the world, with its point of entry being, The United States of America. For
centuries, obesity has been an underlying death threat of many nations. Could this be due to a lack
in nutritional value, when it comes to our daily intake of food; or has the ever-growing façade, that
is the ́fast-food ́ industry, conditioned us to believe that eating on-the-go is a more convenient
lifestyle choice; thus allowing for most populations to become heavily reliant on the unhealthy supply that is readily available for consumption.
The purpose of a revolution of any kind, is to tap into the already tainted mind-set of the individuals
in question in an attempt to introduce them to an alternative way of thinking. ́For thousands of
years, obesity was rarely seen. It was not until the 20th century that it became common, so-much-so, that in 1997 the World Health Organisation formally recognised obesity, as a global epidemic. ́
- John of reading, in Epidemiology of Obesity, May 2014. The aim of the revolution is to target
school children and educate them about what they are eating and how it helps them to grow. Not
only is this a form of highly necessary educational fibre for the youths of societies, but it is also an
interactive form of helping those in need, by allowing for them to be a part of the process of change.
The world renowned English Chef, Jamie Oliver has simply created a platform for progression, which
he initiated in 2010 (together with American television producer, Ryan Seacrest) through a series,
broadcast from Huntington, West Virginia. It was statistically shown that this city was drowning in
the depths of the dilemma that is obesity, more-so than any other city in the country, at the time.
The second season of broadcasting extended the programme to Los Angeles, California, where it was
apparent that many of the scholars were unable to identify the simplest of fruits and vegetables that
were presented to them by the Celebrity Chef. Jamie Oliver then decided to take on the challenge of
redirecting his energy in an attempt to teach children how to grow, maintain and prepare healthier
foods; hoping that it will generate a deeper level of excitement within them, when it comes to their nutritional intake.
Africa is a continent that has for many years thrived on the structure of the female body being one
of diverse curvature and vivacious compound. Many of its inhabitants believe that a fuller figure
gives way to the fruitful bearing of children and it has been said many-a-time that a fuller figured
woman is better enriched. The cultural mind-set has yet to be shifted and as one has it, luck be a
lady – given that obesity has not yet trespassed over Sub-Saharan Africa, in the way that has, the rest of the world, namely: Mexico, The United States and The United Kingdom. Many people might wonder how they may play a role in this fight against disease (Obesity is a disease). Jamie Oliver has extended his efforts by allowing for regular members of different nations to become Ambassadors for his revolutionary cause. Every year, on the second Friday of May, these Ambassadors and many other interested parties, are granted the opportunity to partake in the widespread phenomenon, FOOD REVOLUTION DAY. This is a time where people come together to educate each other about healthier lifestyle choices, with regards to eating.
It is predominantly aimed at educating children; thus allowing for them to become a part of the
revolution as it happens.
This year, the Ambassadors of the Gauteng Region organised a surprise
for a group of children who live in Maboneng, Johannesburg, South Africa: a once forgotten district
that is eloquently reviving the soul of the city. A group of aspiring chefs and lecturers, from Capsicum
Culinary Studio, spent the day creating a light-hearted alternative to the child-friendly meal: ́The Burger'. With the idea of playing ́Secret Santa ́, in mind, the meal was tweaked, by making: a
healthy ostrich burger, served with a delicious roast vegetable salad, drizzled in a light olive oil
dressing. Ostrich meat is the most lean, least fatty, yet succulent form of red meat that can be found
in the market. It was selected to show fellow food lovers that one may still enjoy the pleasures of
eating this type of meal, without it having to be as unhealthy as one may find in the fast-food or
other food production industries. With the idea of surprising these young children (aged 4 – 15), the
packages were delivered to them on the eve of Food Revolution Day which was dated on May 16th, 2014.
There are few better feelings that trump that of, seeing joy being brought to another person ́s
life. It is not often that one is able to hear happiness, but this day was filled with many smiles and
even more inquisitive minds. The bustling energy of the childrens’ happiness filled the street with
the light that is Maboneng. I was thrilled to be enthusiastically approached by one of the young
girls who inquisitively asked: ́Chef, what is inside our food packages? ́. This moment solidified the
purpose of the day: to stimulate curious minds. To make children excited about their food again and
to educate them about what they are putting into their bodies. I believe that this campaign will be as successful as it is inspirational and the continuance of its progressive nature will allow for the healing of many broken civilisations. To generate awareness relating to leading an alternative lifestyle is a daunting task that we are so grateful to be a part of.
The more we speak freely of these struggles, the more fluid we will become in resolving their
burdens. The Ambassador input has reached over 200 activists (and counting) residing in more than
60 countries worldwide. A healthy body begets a healthy mind and this is the ultimate dream.
To live well is to eat well and to eat well is to choose well. The revolution has yet to begin! Let us keep
humanity a-float by consciously considering the ideals that pertain towards the longevity of our existence.
In this way, we will make for a world that is a better living space.
Best Love,
Khaleesi x
P.S. A special thank you to: Capsicum Culinary Studio (Sunninghill, Johannesburg, South Africa), Stephanie O'Conner and Motheo Moeng.
Wednesday, 9 July 2014
(Mykonos, Greece)
The past three months have left me in a submissive head-space; which has somewhat diffused my will to write. Submission is something that is often regarded as negative, due to the conditioned notion of the role being one of degradation. My subconscious has taken over my state of being and I am always grateful for these moments of silence; as they allow for my soul to revive its energy, propelling it to the extremes of constant reflection. My consciousness, in turn, has matured so-much-so, that in its submission, it has allowed for my soul to attract that which I am: grace, love and a state of harmonious equilibrium. This has been evident in the relationships that I am submerged in; as well as, those I am now able to value from a greater distance.
It is in my belief that one should never force oneself to fulfil a role that one is not destined to play. I have been fasting for Ramadaan and praying continuously - as one should be doing - which has allowed for me to remember my sense of inner strength, peace and love. I am reminded daily of my purpose in this world, which is: to inspire through my culinary artistry, to enlighten through my spiritual connections and to uphold a sense of duty through written stimulation. It is due to these pillars of my existence, that I am able to regenerate my faith in others everyday. A dear friend of mine recently told me that her purpose in this world, is to love. In exchange, I reflected on my own will to love and in so-doing, uncovered some miserable discoveries about people who I once believed in. I had the opportunity to dive into intense discussions of why? how? when?, but I decided that it is best to understand that deceit is a dark trait that everybody explores at one point or another. In allowing for the nature of another person's actions to depict the follow through of mine, I would be going against my strong determination to always forgive and take the Karmic experience as one of true learning.
It is our duty as neighbours to always encourage each other to be better in this life and the next. Without each other, we are mere idles of solitude and to exist alone is no man's dream. As I am reaching my mid-20's, I am feeling constantly challenged by my ideals of love, passion, faith and desire. Love and passion, play a more integral role in my discoveries, for I am at a point in my life, whereby: my happiness deserves to be shared with a counterpart, who is willing and worthy of exploring it, in its full capacity. As the saying goes, "Everything happens in Allah's time." and until he is ready to present me with more reward(s), I will continue to achieve a higher sense of being; in the hopes of stimulating an ever-lasting sense of the revolving evolution of self and selves-alike. I am questioning my past and taking the answers with me into my future; whilst remembering to live in my present. Lovers and friends have dropped like flies and I am ecstatic that there are fewer and farther between, for the ones who are with me today, are the ones who I have always cherished the most. The ones who I have yet to meet, as I move forward, are the ones who will be most likely to enlighten me further and there are few better feelings than the excitement of being inspired by fresh souls.
I am looking forward to transferring to the other side - where this may be? - is a question that I ask myself daily. I see the answer in my dreamworld - my favourite place, where the mysteries are plentiful and doubt, an unfamiliar face. Day-by-day I am falling more in love with this period of growth; for only the strongest of people are able to walk through it with a sense of vigor and an attitude of perseverance. To stand firm in your ever-changing nature is something that is not readily accessible to most of us and in making more of an effort to become brighter with the break of each dawn, we can only be successful in our every endeavour.
So with all that is said and done, always remember to fulfill the destiny of the dreamer within you; for without our dreams, we are bottomless vessels, floating unnaturally through this beautiful journey of life.
Have the Best Day Ever!
Khaleesi Ipeleng of the *Universe* x
P.S. 'Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time.' - Angel, Maya Angelou.
Friday, 2 May 2014
I was browsing through my Facebook news-feed this
morning, when I came across one of those quizzes that people appear to be
partaking in, of late. I usually steer clear of such indulgence; due to the
idea that the answers relayed in such quizzes; defining one's character, are
often generic in nature. They are usually quite similar to our horoscopes -
which describe diverse human characteristics, in a way that most of the global
population, can easily adhere to.
Today, I felt different. My dear friend, Pheello
Tsotsi, shared a quiz titled: "Which Periodic Element Are You". It
is owing to the fact that I LOVE SCIENCE... I decided to roll with the punches
and take on the Internet.
As I am growing into the woman that I hope to be, I
am finding it more challenging; yet rewarding, to stay true to: my core values,
sense of strong-will, free expression, my ability to love and my determination
to succeed in fulfilling my purpose; in this lifetime and the ones to follow.
The challenge is what keeps me going and the rewards are what allow me to keep
the faith.
A lot of people have tried to express their concern
to me, regarding my Iron intake. Due to the fact that I refuse to eat meat, I
am often asked if my nutritional value is well-balanced. Well, I am so grateful
to read something about myself that I relate to, from the depths of my heart.
It seems as if I have all the Iron that I need :)
You Are
You take your time and make sure things are done right. You hate to make
mistakes, no matter how big or small. You choose your words carefully to make
sure you communicate effectively. You always get your point across. You aren't
afraid of adventure but you don't seek it out. You would rather tend to your
own garden. You pride yourself on being detail oriented. You never forget about
anyone or anything.
Have a good time of your life and always remember that: Love is you.
Khaleesi x
P,S. Strength is within me. Patience is beside me. Love is all encompassing of my yearning to grow. - Ipeleng Motuba.
Sunday, 20 April 2014
In Love, one is allowed the opportunity to recognise oneself beyond the realms of the soul of another being. The ways in which our love for each other manifests in its beauteous light, may be determined by our willingness to keep the faith; in believing that our interactions yield only, the purest of truths and allowing for the actions associated with such beliefs, to remain untainted by the conditioned notions of societies' perception of love. Love has been defined as everlasting; a facade which many of us aspire to out live. Love is not everlasting. Love is a revolutionary force, ever-changing with the tide of the soul. Believe in thee, believe in me, believe in an everlasting us. Be impeccable with your word.
Pledge allegiance to your soul.
Bon Dimanche (4/20)!
Best Love,
Khaleesi of the *Universe*.
P.S. 'My peace and security are within. My power and my strength is within.' - Uncle Deepak Chopra.
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
I love this song with all my heart.
"Celebrating life is great/ But not without a cry. Celebrating life is good/ But not without a smile. Celebrating life is sweet/ But not without a dance. Celebrating life with you/ With everything it brings.".
Best Love,
Khaleesi x
P.S. "More than words is all you have to do to make it real/
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me/
'Cause I'd already know. "
- Extreme, 'More Than Words'
Thursday, 20 February 2014
I found this video online, whilst searching for an N.E.R.D. Song des Tages (Song of the day), "Breakout" - please listen to this song, in your own time. Really listen to it though, the words...
It is unfortunate that this video ends so abruptly, but with the information and inspiration delivered to us through this eloquently expressed individual of the world; one cannot help, but strive for a better form of being, oneself.
Pharrell states in this interview, how grateful he is to have been named the greatest producer over the decade 2000-2010. What is so amazing about this creative spirit is that: the projects that he mentions in this interview; shot in 2010, are the very projects that he had then imagined - as expressed, in his answering the host's question - would solidify his position as: the greatest producer, over the current decade. What dreams may come, we may not know. The power of the words that we express and the ways in which we choose for our inner-most desires to manifest are the fundamental values that we should always keep in mind, when creating the journey that we wish to travel.
'You definitely want to just continue to be a part of the curation of a new experience, when someone hears a new record.' - Pharrell Williams.
Today, four years into the current decade that was spoken of in 2012, Monsieur Williams continues to shine on the world with his intuitive mind, child-friendly spirit and ever-growing will to push boundaries of creation beyond unfathomable heights.
Merci pour l'inspiration.
Bonne Nuit,
Khaleesi x
P.S. "Believe and Act as if it were impossible to fail" - Charles Kettering.
Monday, 17 February 2014
They say that blood is thicker than water, but they never tell you which water you should stow away for safekeeping. Sometimes, we come across a current that we cannot fight against and in its blessing, we are taught the ideals of strength, love and complete surrender to the higher powers. There comes a point, when we must recognise that there are some waters that run thicker than blood.
I am so grateful to have gained a new sister, in this beautiful woman, Pheello (Khanyisa) Tsotsi.
Phee is one of those women who is so together, that it is sometimes frightening. I remember meeting her in the year 2009 and we happened to hit it off very well :) I was struggling with the idea of studying Law - a degree that I have much interest in - a career that I knew I lacked the desire to fulfill. As a thriving CA at the time, Phee advised me to follow my heart; as she could understand how unhappy I was at the time. Thanks to her inspiration, I continued with my studies through to the end of the following year and I struggled not only with my choice to persevere, but with the fact that I was being untrue to myself. She has always told me to be clear in my aspirations herewith and to really dive deep into something that I enjoy with all my heart.
I am so honoured to have been an attendee of her beautiful wedding, to my "Brother", Mr. Lungi Tsotsi. What a truly inspirational union to witness.
I wish you many days of happiness and an endless amount of undying love for one another.
Image courtesy of: Mbuso Ndlovu
Image courtesy of: Joan Njeri Njuguna.
Image courtesy of: Joan Njeri Njuguna.
Image courtesy of: The stranger who used Mbuso's phone.
Image courtesy of: Botshelo Motuba.
(To Lungi and Pheello)
When your heart lies with the soul of another
Your soul enshrines the look of your lover,
When true love fills the spirit of your air.
The love that sings the early bird's song
The truth that sets you free.
The kiss, a familiar feeling of
The peace in harmony.
The love of a lover
Unity at its strength
The passion, innate
The fear,
no longer there.
Best Love,
Khaleesi x
P.S. Make love!
Wednesday, 12 February 2014
The Story Of My Life.
To fall for someone can be overwhelmingly intense. In our minds, we build up expectations; consciously and subconsciously and the minute we feel that those expectations are beginning to fall out of line, we are challenged with turmoil. There comes this constant wave of emotions, which, if not monitored correctly, may result in: the oozing of that turmoil, through the cracks of our souls, in a manner that is unattractive, unkind and unrecognisable. At most times, these uncontrolled outbursts of anger cause for us to express ourselves in ways which are untrue. This is usually released in the form of negative, emotional energy and it is often directed at the most unlucky individual. At the end of the day, we are all human and we have all made, are making and will make many mistakes that will hopefully be understood by those who hold us most dear to their hearts... If-so they choose.
Do we hurt the people that we consider very close to us, in an attempt to bring about a reaction or is this a chemical ignition that is fuelled by our inability to control our emotional imbalances during the tumultuous times of our tales? Are we really dark-minded individuals or have we been conditioned to word our emotions of pain, confusion and fear in a way that is often destructible to the relationships that we make high efforts to build, from scratch?
I know that I have been completely outlandish in my behaviour in terms of the above-mentioned analysis of pain and the reaction towards it. I have found that I am so busy trying to maintain my happiness, that I seldom find the time to really understand the moments in which I feel sad, angry, hurt or ashamed. This is evidentally dangerous; as it allows for me to reconcile with, only the good aspects of my individuality; whereas, the flaws that I possess are often ignored until such a point that I allow for my negative emotions to remain caged for long periods of times. This is completely unhealthy and even though I have always known so, this week, I allowed for myself to act so irrationally and insanely in love, that I am still failing to recognise myself as that person. This has brought to my attention that I need to better handle myself as a grown woman and as an educated member of this Universe.
I seek to be pain-free, but pain lives within me. I yearn to trust in the word of the good man, who so willingly chooses to understand me. I pray that I shall not falter in my endeavours herewith (in dealing with the negativity of the soul). I vow to be forever grateful, for the days to come. I have a deep hunger to remain faithful to the nature of my soul and in so-doing, I need be true to every emotion that I experience. Only then, will I be able to create the equilibrium of my existence.
To those who are hurting. To the one who understands me. I am here... I will forever be in love; as love shall forever be in me. The darkness has faded and when it comes again, my desire to face it with enlightenment, will be my only saving grace.
Believe in Thee. Believe in Me. Believe in an Everlasting Us.
Best Love,
Khaleesi x
P.S. "... I don't wanna be here, alone." - Mariah Carey, Love Takes Time.
Wednesday, 5 February 2014
The other day, I was very confident (perhaps too confident, because I was not concentrating as well as I should have been, at the time) in myself; in that I was to make another one of those delicious three-egg omelettes that I am so privileged to be able to make. To my surprise, the omelette broke as I was trying to flip it, without the use of a spatula (A trick that I shall soon use to get into amazing food-fairs). I thought to myself... "If this were a high-pressured situation; whereby a child's life depended on the production of some sort of good-looking egg-breakfast-dish, what would you do?"
In a heartbeat, I rapidly scrambled my 'omelette' which consisted of:
3 x egg whites - whisked into 50 ml of fat free milk and seasoned with salt and pepper to taste.
I sauteed some spinach, onions, shrooms, feta cheese and rosa tomatoes in a pan. To add to the flavour of my vegetables, I seasoned them with: cumin, medium curry powder, almond flakes and two pinches of brown sugar. I also decided to squeeze onto my vegetables, some fresh lemon juice and added 2.5 ml of soya sauce to enhance sweet 'n sour balance of the dish.
I cupped my stir-fried eggs in a small ramekin (a small, round dish - usually used for baking creme brulee), popped it onto my plate and it was ready to serve. As indicated in the image above, I served this dish with a miniature Greek salad and a dollop of chilli/mayonnaise.
It was pleasing to see that my hypothetical child would not have starved; as the meal was well-received, even though the guest in waiting had anticipated the reception of an egg-white omelette.
In essence, when you f*ck up in life, you need to come up with an alternative plan for survival.
I would like to leave you with the message of freedom:
Be free within the soul
The one that carries you to death.
Be free within your creative mind
Be free even when you are in debt
To another, to yourself
You are the only one who may know
What freedom lies beneath your beauty
The depths to which you will grow.
Best Love,
Khaleesi Ipeleng x
P.S. Happy Hump-Day :)
Friday, 31 January 2014
I really love this song. Open your mind to new adventures. Music is the one!
When I think of my dreams to fulfil my destiny, it sometimes makes me wonder; if it really is possible. Every time I sense a slither of self-doubt, I simply listen to my heart and remember why I choose to listen to the wisdom encapsulated by its every-beat. The heart knows the truth. The truth that gives leverage to the infinite possibilities associated with 'freedom of choice' and 'capacity to act'. The capacity to fulfil your potential in this world and the ones that we have yet to conquer. It is difficult to hear the word of the soul, for the heart possesses a deafening voice that only those who dare to pursue its awakening (the voice), are privileged to hear. It is not always clear in its intentions, but the beauty in having conversations with your heart is that: they never end. We can only push ourselves as far as we want to in this life and the next. I am constantly in search of inspiration; whether it be from the "upper-class" gentleman who attends the same gym as I. Or the lady at the filling station who allows for us to exchange in brief moments of inspirational energy. Human interaction should have been classified as the eighth wonder of the world; I think more of us would be of a higher appreciation for it, than we are today. We need to have a deeper yearning for learning about each other, our desires, hopes and fears. The only way in which my dreams will fail to come true is if I stop believing in their fruition. The moment you stop believing in yourself, is the moment that you lose a sense of your self-worth and pride. If you 'believe and act as if it were impossible to fail', you will fail forward until you are able to succeed.
They say that time waits for no man; yet, mankind created the concept of time. Manifest on your own. Engage with those who make your soul fly. Build from within.
Jummah Mubarak!
Khaleesi of the *UNIVERSE*
P.S. In case anyone was wondering: My dream-job is to be Pharrell Williams's personal chef... Watch this space, watch the throne!
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
Wednesday, 15 January 2014
A Message From Glass Table Girl:
In the year 2011, I was sitting in the bedroom of my beautiful God-Soul-Sister, aka Pharrell's ex-sister-in-law, Muptee. I actually remember this day. I woke up in my own house, hopped into my car (pyjamas and all) and drove to go and have a play-date (which was really just a duvet-day) with one of my favourite people in the world.
I remember expressing my frustration to her about my failure to remember the ways in which I prepared food and telling her how much I wanted to start some sort of blog (because it was the in-thing to start a blog at the time); whereby I could write about my heart's desires and record my recipes as they flow.
I am so happy that she pushed me to start my blog, especially considering that I was not really sure of what the hell a blog was, at the time. She actually inspired the name of this site, Glass Table Girl. We had had a relatively wild weekend before that, making insane beats with a friend in the stu, playing in the streets of Johannesburg (which I have grown to appreciate more this year). It was on that weekend, that Mmaphuthi introduced me to The Weeknd's "House of Balloons/Glass Table Girls". - At one of her legendary house-parties, of course. We had the song on repeat all night, much to the dislike of fellow party goers, but as the saying goes: "No hair don't care".
So, whilst we were (she was) setting up the blog, we ran through a list of possible names for the blog. I remember the look on her face when I said: "MOGWANTS, CAN I CALL IT GLASS TABLE GIRLS"... Silence filled the room, as she looked at me in an awkward stare. Her response was: "But Mogwants, there is only ONE GIRL running this blog. So I dropped the 's' and boom shaka, my blog was born and it will be running for three years, come June 21st! To think that I almost backed out of this commitment, thank goodness she stopped me from trying to do so.
I would like to thank this woman for always inspiring me to be myself. For understanding me, even when she is unsure (which is most of the time, ha ha) and for pushing me to be outchea (wow, there is a time and place to use that word for the first time). Mostly, I would like to thank Mmaphuthi for keeping me young and always making sure that I am up to speed with my street credibility and technological game.
Without you, there would be no other.
Merci, ma soeur!
Gros L'amour,
Khaleesi Ipeleng of the *UNIVERSE* x
P.S. That same weekend, whilst making beats, I almost fell through a glass table, because she made me laugh so hard, that I rolled over the back of the couch and landed head-first in the gap between the glass table and the front of the couch; so the title of my blog is ever-so-fitting! Ha, Good times indeed!
Morning Has Broken!
I present to the world:
1 x three-egg-white omelette filled with: ginger onions, spinach, fresh tomato and a hint of balsamic reduction; garnished with: fresh pepper-dews, sprinkled feta cheese and dried parsley.
1 x three-egg-white omelette filled with: ginger onions, spinach, fresh tomato and a hint of balsamic reduction; garnished with: fresh pepper-dews, sprinkled feta cheese and dried parsley.
When I was a child, I realised at the age of nine, that I dislike egg yolk with all my heart. I believe that it has to do with the texture of the yolk itself; whether it be soft or hard... Even though I have found the latter, to be more edible, I have never enjoyed anything to do with the yolk of an egg. The egg white, NOW WE ARE TALKING! White is right, good people, white is right. If we were to look at this from a biological perspective, I must inform you that the yolk of an egg contains a very high volume of cholesterol. Hypercholesterolemia is a disease which is slowly taking over the human race. Women are known to suffer from this more-so than men and it is a disease that is often overlooked, because nobody believes that they could ever have high cholesterol. Just as people still believe that they could never contract the HIV...
This (high cholesterol) is something which is frequently considered to only be common amongst the obese members of our global population. Well I have some news for you in saying that you are wrong. Hypercholesterolemia (High cholesterol) is a disease that should be treated in a more serious manner.
I was working for an IT company, the year before last. On one of the mornings, we were privileged to be assisted by an amazing medical team; in having our routine check-up performed in the gym (The perks of the corporate world). It was then that I was informed that a. I seriously need to wear spectacles... A thought which had occurred to me five years prior. b. I have high cholesterol. I was flabbergasted at the thought that a 19 year old ;) could have high cholesterol... What a shame. As I understand it, the average woman's desired level of cholesterol should sit below 5.2 mmol/L and that any level that reaches up to and beyond 6.2 mmol/L is way too high. Alas, my cholesterol level was sitting at 6.4 mmol/L at the time that I took the test and that worried the doctors, I could see it in their eyes.
At the end of the day, it is up to us to correct our bodies, minds, hearts and souls. I have indulged less in the habits that I enjoy so very much and more in those that come naturally to me, such as: A meat-free diet (fish only), consistent exercise (running, walking, yoga, riding, dancing and other outdoor activities) and I have prayed over my body; for it is the vessel that carries my soul. A good body, creates the platform for the development of a great soul, so look after yourself as often as humanly possible.
Best Love,
Khaleesi x
P.S. Mmol is the unit measurement, used in chemistry, to define Moles. This is the amount of any substance which contains as many fundamental entities as there are atoms.
Tuesday, 14 January 2014
This is one of the best festivals that I have ever been to. If you happen to be in Tofo, Mozambique, over one of the festive seasons... You should definitely check out the Oceanfest, which takes place over the New Year period, every December: At Fatimas. This festival gave me life.
One of the beauties in travel is the many connections that you are able to make, given yourself the opportunity to indulge. A few years ago, I travelled to this very space with a few friends of mine and I recently arrived back from ROUND TWO! of what happens to still be my favourite holiday; thus far.
I was highly amazed to reconnect with souls that I had previously encountered and even more-so privileged to share so many special moments with individuals who have touched my heart in the past; as well as, those who touched my soul, in the present moments that we exchanged with each other.
There is much little value in the appreciation of the experience of human exploration and the development of the energetic connectivity of the soul. We need to form a deeper, more soulful sense of encountering one another, in order for our forces as a species to penetrate and surpass the negativity that we fight so hard against (most of us, I hope), every day of our complacent existence.
This video is so beautifully composed, because it was created by two beautiful souls who deserve for their everlasting happiness to remain unharmed by the fear of that which is unknown. I feel privileged to have been in their presence :)
Salute, Yair and Danielle. Toda Raba for the music :)
Best Love,
Khaleesi of the *UNIVERSE*/ GlassTableGirl x
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