Thursday 14 March 2013


There comes a point in our lives when we realise that the most important aspect of being alive is our inner-happiness. Human beings are conditioned to think and feel, live and act a certain way; but very few of us are conditioned to understand.Why is it that when one makes a decision for oneself, it is automatically deemed as 'selfish'. I would love to find out who first connoted the acts of selfishness, with the feelings of negative energy, because to me, being selfish does not necessarily have to be a taboo. Surely we should all strive to push each other to make the best decisions for our selves, without the emotional influence that we naturally project upon others; due to a lack of faith in our own experiences. It is safe to say that we have been so thoroughly brainwashed by 'what is right and what is wrong', that we have forgotten how to behave upon our innate emotions.

In my mind, I like to refer to the term, 'positive selfishness', which is the foundation of inner-happiness. Positive selfishness is a tricky manoeuvre that has been perfected by those who choose to see life from a higher perspective. Some look to meditate, others look to engage in artistic forms of soul-searching, such as music or dance. Christians go to church and seek the guidance of their God.In the Rastafarian culture, one is referred to as I and I. A spiritual reference to the way in which one is mentally aware of ones higher sense of being, thus allowing for one to recognise both I as oneself and I's higher connection to ones spiritual essence and faithful existence; the highest level being that of Jah Rastafari. This is what we are lacking, a true, pure sense of existence. I believe that if we were to engage in seeking our higher beings, then we would always try to make the best, most informed choices according to our individual needs. We should do so in a way in which we are understanding of others and their personal challenge in discovering the beauty of the higher world. We should guide each other, respectfully, willingly, forgivingly and most importantly, happily. Imagine a world where everybody leads the life that they want to. A world full of an elevated mentality that sees beyond the simple interactions that we place so much emphasis on in our daily practises of improvement of self.

I hope everyone tries to improve on their being, daily, because life is a process of The Evolution of The Soul and
you would not want to miss that boat.

Regardless of which ever form it takes place for us to become more aware of our higher sense of self, I believe that it is essential for us to delve deeper into our spriritual senses and look beyond what we have been taught by society. We need to start building the global chain of improvement, because as charity starts at home, inner-happiness and the completion of a peaceful existence, begins with you. The moment that we start to think consciously for and about self, is the moment when we will realise how genuinely blessed we are (have been) in this life, the ones before and those to come. So carry yourself with a sense of pride in whatever you do and in so-doing, be aware that you will be tempted to suffer; the choice is yours. It is the manner in which you manage your emotional perspective on the Universe and on yourself, that enables you to propel your ambitions, maturely from within. Yes, we will make many a mistake, but we will also forgive many a time. Essentially, we must realise that it is indeed possible to live our potential life and it is indeed possible to be present in an ultimate state of euphoria. To live in a euphoric state, everyday... Now that is a life worth thriving for.

Best Love and Ultimate Peace of Soul,
Khaleesi x

P.S. 'Doctors Save Lives, Nurses Save Doctors'  

- A Message to all WOMEN: Let us Support, Love, Forgive and Be HAPPY for Each Other, Always!

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