Friday 17 May 2013

When I was younger, I was a very active sports-woman. I played a lot of sport growing up and this has stemmed the basis of my need for genuine unity amongst my community. Due to my primary focus on developing my skills as an athlete, I now find that there are so many other forms of cultural engagement that I neglected to give my attention to; even though all of the opportunities to indulge in the arts of dance and music, were readily available to me. I started learning how to play the piano at the age of fourteen and the guitar was always within arms length, but there was never enough fuel to ignite the fire within me, to develop my skills as a musician. Music is a soulful experience, that we should feel blessed to be able to hear. Many people have often said to me "It's too late now to learn how to play an instrument or to try and dance in a ballet recital.". Too late? There is no such thing as being 'too late', in my life. As long as your journey aligns itself with the golden path of your heart's desires, nothing can stop you from achieving your goals. People find themselves, at different stages throughout their lives and it has been a blessing to take on the task of fulfilling my childhood dreams, which have always been inherent to my existence on planet earth.
I happened to be reflecting on my life thus far during a recent visit to the city of Cape Town

I&I and a friend of I, embraked on a sultry walk through the market of the town's centre; when I stumbled across two men playing their guitars. In that moment, my private musical career saw its spark. I thought to myself, how can I engage these men in a manner that is:
1. Not derogatory
2. Genuine in its nature and
3. Equally beneficial and in good faith to all of the parties involved.
It was then, that I decided to make them an offer to teach me how to play the guitar in return for a small fee. BUSINESS IS BUSINESS, right?
To my delight, the men were more than willing and even more so excited to teach me their craft. At a very low cost, I found myself NOT ONE, but TWO guitar instructors.
I am very passionate about uplifting my community. It is a very important part of my purpose in this world, because I believe in the ideals of celebrating our diversity.
Today, I was lucky enough to come across one of those musicians that play their music by the Pay-Station of the parking lot. I thought to myself, why not give him the same opportunity that I offered to the two men in Cape Town? With that thought and a brief exchange of words and smiles, I accomplished one of my life-long dreams: in solidifiying a symbiotic relationship, for the better-good of our lives; simultaneously scoring myself an amazing, affordable guitar instructor in Johannesburg too. If you too, are a constant dreamer... Open your eyes and make those dreams come true. It all starts with uplifting yourself in uplifting others.  
This is life... My dreams are consistently coming true and I would not choose to trade places with any other in this world we live in.
Painting by numbers :)
I am the Luckiest Girl in the world!
The simplest moments of our lives, are the most enjoyable of them all.

The Purest Pillars of Strength :)

L'chaim - To life!
GlassTableGirl x
P.S. 'If not now, then when? If not today...' - Tracy Chapman

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