Wednesday 7 August 2013

The New Moon
I am so excited that tomorrow marks the last day of what has been a challenging, yet rewarding fasting season. This is the third consecutive year that I have indulged in the Ramadaan fast and I must say that I feel honoured to be a part of such a test of my will. I am one of those people who has always enjoyed my freedom in that I have seldom followed the conditioned values of society and I have always behaved in an 'extremely' adventurous manner. Some people like to refer to this as a form of rebellion, I prefer to call it curiosity.
During the past month, I have tested myself in ways that I never thought imaginable. I have discovered a new sense of strong will, which I never thought existed within me. Imagine being a chef and not being able to taste the food that you cook? Well that is the challenge that my Muslim colleagues and I have been faced with since the 10th of July. We have had to rely merely on the heightened abilities of our other senses, which I must say, have allowed for me (us) to embark on a completely different form of performance when it comes to our profession. Needless to say, we have been very successful in our endeavours herewith. I have found this fasting season to be the kind of awakening that I have only really felt through the awakening of the deaths of people who are close to me and the births of those who I hold dear to my heart.
There is something about these experiences that allows for one to reconsider ones existence on planet earth. I have questioned my integrity, my sense of power, the ideals of my soul's worth and the atonement of my faith. I have thoroughly enjoyed this journey of truth. I have grown in my love, happiness and purity. I have come to the broader realisation of my mental capacity; which is something that I hope to continue to rediscover in the aims of propelling myself to gain full control of my spirit. I believe that: he who acquires control of his mind is forever successful in developing the intricate desires of his soul. When we fail to realise the importance of the expansion of the soul, we neglect to steer the innate driving force within us; which allows for us to develop our existence in this life and the next.
This is the thought that I would like to leave you with today. The thought of power. Power of the mind, body, heart and soul. For without power, we are deemed weak and without strength, we are left with the fear of failure. Without success, we are considerably dented in our progression and without faith, we are left in a state of decay. A state in which we feel as if we cannot explore the many possibilities that we and only we care to create for ourselves.
Believe in thee, believe in we, believe in everlasting love and most importantly believe in the convoluted proliferation of self and selves alike.
Best Love,
Khaleesi x
P.S. “All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.” - Abraham Lincoln. 

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