Monday 16 December 2013


Before you begin, pre-heat your oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius. 

Pizza-bread, is one of my favourite snacks in the whole wide world.
It is the equivalent of a toasted sandwich, but what makes it unique, is the pizza-like qualities to which it attaches itself.

The procedure for making this meal is very simple. Grab two slices of wholewheat, rye, health or any other choice of bread. Drizzle your bread with some olive oil and line it with a slither of butter. 

The sauce: You can use a simple tomato gravy for the base of your sandwich (this is a great way to recycle your leftovers), otherwise, any tomato and onion (optional) based sauce shall suffice. 

The best part of this preparation, is definitely within the cheese. Grate two handfuls of mozzarella cheese, spread it over the sauce, on your bread and sprinkle with some rosemary. 

Bake the bread in the oven for approximately 12 minutes, allowing for the last 5 minutes to be spared, purely for grilling until golden brown.

I decided to make some homemade guacamole to accompany my meal because a. Guac is the one and b. I needed to use the second half of an avocado that had been stored in the fridge, before it went off.

In a side bowl, I mixed together: avocado, half a teaspoon of Hellman's mayonnaise, 5ml (1 teaspoon) of pepper-dew juice and half a teaspoon of olive oil. I then seasoned the guac with some salt, pepper and a hint of chilli. You may add in a squeexe or two of lemon juice, just because it is Dezemba :)

Bon appetit,
Khaleesi x

P.S. Happy day of reconciliation. Do not fear, for reconciliation is within you. It is not up to us to reconcile with others. It is up to others to reconcile with themselves; for if we do not reconcile with self, there can be no such exchanged-reconciliation with others. - Ipeleng Motuba.

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